Ep. 133 Seek The Joy Summer: The Energy of the Summer Season with Haley Cole

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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

On the podcast today we’re sharing our second session from Seek The Joy Summer with Haley Cole, Golden Light Healer.

In this session Haley shares the energy of the summer season and what’s coming in and what we can expect from this powerful energy. Haley shares her tips and insights for grounding into the present moment, how you can honor your new beginning in this season, a meditation practice, and beautiful journal prompts to tap into the new beginnings, stability, and joy of this summer season.

It’s an opportunity to focus on what you want to release and allow yourself to receive in this new season.

I’m so excited to share this week’s new episode with Haley, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

In the summer months there’s a lot that’s coming in, and whenever there’s a lot that’s coming in there’s going to be a lot that purges, releases, and comes out. In especially July, mid to late July, is really when we’re going to start to see it. They just keep saying change, movement, shifts and a lot of powerful energy, inner power.
— Haley Cole

Starting her spiritual journey around 8 years old, Haley is a Golden Light Healer and Spiritual Teacher who has devoted her life to helping others deepen their connection to the Universe/God/Source/Creation and love for the Self. Through her Golden Light Healer Certification, teachings, and content, she helps guide people to understand and embrace just how powerful they truly are. Haley believes this work is so important because once we discover just how magical we are, we can change the world.

To connect with Haley visit her website here and Instagram @iamhaleycole YouTube here and check out her episode on The Power of Storytelling here



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Sydney WeissComment