Amelia Rose Zimlich - Host, C’est La Me

Amelia Rose Zimlich

Amelia Rose Zimlich is the host of the lifestyle podcast C’est La Me. Through her show, Amelia Rose hopes to motivate and connect with women on topics that we can all relate to. Each week, she shares personal stories and offers authentic conversation on a variety of topics such as body image, adulthood, singleness and dating, personal growth, confidence, friendship, and career development. She also shares listener stories and Q&As and her audience loves getting involved!

C’est La Me has charted in multiple countries all over the world, giving encouragement and motivation to women across the globe. With C’est La Me, Amelia Rose seeks to entertain and inspire women with a little bit of sarcasm and a whole lot of honesty in the personal diary of her life.

I’m excited for you to connect with Amelia, check out her work and impact, and follow along as she continues to tell personal stories and share insights on different topics such as body image, adulthood, singleness and dating, personality growth, college life, friendship, and career development.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

My name is Amelia Rose Zimlich, and I am the host of C’est La Me. C’est La Me is a lifestyle and personal diary podcast where I cover a lot of topics women can relate to, such as dating, career, body image, relationships, confidence, and more. I also talk about my life, tell stories and discuss how I approach these topics.

How did you get started?

I started C’est La Me in May of 2020, but planning took place long before that. It’s funny, every time I tell people when I started the podcast, they think it’s a pandemic project, which I guess it technically is. But regardless, I knew I was going to start my show. I actually started listening to a lot of podcasts in 2020 and loved listening to them, so I eventually decided that creating my own would be fun. I took a few months to plan my cover art, episode ideas and aesthetic, and then recorded and released my first episode from there!

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

I was inspired to start C’est La Me out of the need for a stable creative outlet that wasn’t connected to school or work. I was a sophomore at the time and knew that I would need something I could continue with after I graduated. I also wanted to connect with people who shared the same thoughts, struggles, goals and ideas that I talked about on my podcast and encourage and inspire them with my content. It was partly for others, and partly for myself.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is helping others and making them feel positive with the content I create, whether that’s through my podcast or anything else I do in life. I feel like I’ve been given a purpose with C’est La Me that I never saw coming. I thought it was just a show that was going to be fun (which it is), but I didn’t realize how energized I would get each week to record an episode or how proud and excited I would be whenever someone says an episode helped them or orders my merch and sends a photo of them wearing it. It’s things like that that make me realize how cool this is.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My blueprint for joy includes being with my family and friends, talking about our lives and taking time to really connect with the people I love. Podcasting is definitely part of what lights me up. It gives me a connection with my listeners that I wouldn’t have otherwise and I love talking with them. Besides podcasting, listening to music brings me joy. I’m a huge fan of Taylor Swift – she’s been my favorite artist ever since I was 8. Her music is with me in good and bad times. I love a wide range of music and genres, but she’s the artist I play continually that never disappoints. Baking, writing, reading and getting outside also helps me feel energized.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

A big part of living intentionally for me is prayer. When things get tough or even when there’s a lot of good busyness happening around me, prayer centers me and reminds me of what’s worth it and what’s just noise. I pray in some form every day, which creates a habit that I’m glad to have and that helps me stay grounded. I also love keeping a diary where I just pour out everything that’s been happening in my life. Looking back on these entries and going back to the place I was when I wrote them is so helpful to help me grow. These days, my podcast feels a lot like my diary, but I still try to keep my actual diary full and up to date.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

I think she would be surprised but it would also somehow make sense to her. When I was younger, I wanted to be everything from an actor to a horseback rider to a singer, but never thought about podcasting. I think younger me would think that I’m doing now was cool and she would love that girls like me listen. Sometimes, I hope that I would listen to C’est La Me if I weren’t the one running it! I think she would be proud that I’ve found something that truly inspires and motivates me.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

This might seem less inspirational than a mantra should be, but something I always tell myself is “comparison is the thief of joy.” I used to struggle with comparison and I still have my moments now. It’s ironic, because I can be perfectly happy with my own podcast, my growth and what I have going on, and all it takes is one look at someone else’s success to make me feel like mine doesn’t matter. I don’t want to lose my joy and I want to be able to celebrate others’ achievements without feeling like mine don’t level up. So, I always tell myself that comparison kills happiness, and keeping that in my mind has helped me tremendously so far. A mantra of my podcast is “love, life and authenticity”, which helps me continue creating content along those lines and not lose focus of what the show is about.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to help people through my life. I want people to listen to C’est La Me and feel lifted up, understood and inspired. If they’re feeling sad or down about life, I want to be with them in their struggle, but also make them feel happy and hopeful. If they’re feeling accomplished and excited about life, I want to celebrate with them, kind of like how Taylor Swift’s music does for me. If I can continually impact people in a positive way, that’s the dream.

To connect with Amelia and learn more check out her website Pinterest @cestlamepodcast, YouTube channel and join her Discord server to chat with Amelia and other listeners. You can also email her at

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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