Ep. 138 Seek The Joy Summer: Summer Solstice Sound Healing with Veneé McGee

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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

On the podcast today we’re sharing our sixth session from Seek The Joy Summer with Veneé McGee, Thought Leader + Spiritual Activator.

In this session Veneé shares how we can use sound, frequency, and vibration to heal and empower, and create a sacred space to step into our own unique spiritual empowerment. Through a beautiful sound healing to welcome in the warmth and empowerment of the season, Veneé encourages us to create greater rhythm and a state of harmony, expanded self-awareness, and ultimately access our inner wisdom. It’s an opportunity to allow ourselves to remain in the present moment, reflect on the seeds we’ve planted this year, hit refresh, and ground ourselves into this summer season.

I’m so excited to share this week’s new episode with Veneé, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Through sound we create a sacred space, this environment that allows the heart to open, allows the mind to settle, and it gives the body the chance to relax and slow down and hit refresh. Through the vibrations of the sound is how we’re able to transmute and access those healing properties within us.
— Veneé McGee

As a believer in possibility and the power of both individual and collective potential, founder of the nonprofit organization Ebb & Flow Collective, Veneé (Vuh-Nay) McGee, is a visionary thought leader in the area of spirituality, wholisitc wellness, personal development and mindset. Her mission not only welcomes womxn from all walks of life but guides the liberated womxn to make a positive impact in their lives and in the world around them. The intentional focus of this online sanctuary is to acquire the necessary tools to overcome life obstacles and embrace the individual power within. Through the use of various workshops, retreats, and personal sessions, Ebb & Flow lays the foundation for living a more mindful and meaningful life. These integrative programs allow the mind, body, and spirit to refresh, realign, and restore with the clarity to expand their limits and release all hindrances.

Learn more about Veneé here and on Instagram @ebbandflowcollective and Facebook @ebbandflowcollective



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