Ep. 121 Celebrating Where Food Meets Feminism with Lindsay Gardner, Author of Why We Cook: Women on Food, Identity and Connection
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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!
On the podcast today is Lindsay Gardner, illustrator, artist and author of the new book, WHY WE COOK: Women On Food, Identity, and Connection.
Lindsay’s work spans detailed paintings to playful collage. She works primarily in watercolor and ink, mediums she loves for their directness and how they require a playful balance of control and spontaneity. Her inspiration comes from small moments of everyday life, food and cooking, patterns and shapes found in the outdoors, music, and her love of stories and history.
In today’s episode Lindsay and I chat about:
The inspiration behind Why We Cook, Lindsay’s desire to share the perspectives and achievements of women in the culinary world that are often overlooked, and the questions that drove Lindsay’s research for the book.
The impact of COVID-19 on the food and restaurant industry, what we can learn from being in the kitchen, the power of food to connect us, and cooking as a form of storytelling.
Lindsay gives us a behind the scenes look at the first interview she did for the book, the conversation that surprised her the most, and we dive into just some of the profiles in the book, from Carla Hall, Gray Chapman, Celia Sack to Gail Simmons.
Plus, Lindsay shares the greatest lesson she learned from writing the book, how her relationship to cooking has changed, her biggest dream, and so much more!
Why We Cook highlights the voices of women in the culinary world, their varied perspectives and experiences, and is a beautiful celebration of where food meets feminism. Food has the power to connect us, and bring about greater empathy, compassion, and understanding. In many ways, Lindsay’s beautiful illustrations and writing serves to empower all women to reclaim their place in the kitchen.
Lindsay is incredibly talented, and I enjoyed sitting down with her for our new episode! I’m so excited to share our conversation and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
“I think there’s this sense of ownership when we can own and celebrate our stories, and food is such a natural way of sharing those stories and celebrating history and identity.”
Lindsay’s watercolor and gouache illustrations have appeared in cookbooks and editorial projects, advertising campaigns, and stationery and interior design collaborations. This wide-ranging artistic sensibility makes her a gentle interrogator of the world around her.
Her food art has appeared in Cookie Advent Cookbook (Chronicle, 2016), Pies, Fries & Ice Cream (Chronicle, 2016), and The Rituals (Chronicle, 2019). You may have also seen her work in Uppercase Magazine, Architectural Digest, StyleCarrot, Decorist, and Vogue, among others.
“There are so many things to discover through cooking. Whether that’s a connection with a different culture that you’re not as familiar with, a person, or part of your own heritage or history, there’s so much that we can connect to through food. I think that I was searching for that to be honest. I wanted to know what other home cooks thought about those same ideas, and I wanted to know if other people think about that when they’re cooking, because it does give it so much meaning.”
With more than one hundred women restaurants, activists, food writers, professional chefs, and home cooks- all of whom are changing the world of food.
Featuring essays, profiles, recipes, and more, Why We Cook is curated and illustrated by the author and artist Lindsey Gardner, whose visual storytelling gifts bring nuance and insight into their words and their work revealing the power of food to nourish, uplift, inspire curiosity, and effect change.
It explores and redefines what it means to be a woman in the contemporary culinary landscape, celebrating women’s stories, passions, and trailblazing achievements in the world of food through illustrated essays, profiles, and more, with contributions from chefs, food writers, restaurateurs, activists, and home cooks.
As Lindsay shares, women are the creators and keepers of so many stories that have long been overlooked. The women that are included in Why We Cook are at the forefront of the changes we’re seeing unfold in the culinary world, and as Lindsay shares, those changes inevitably influence every aspect of our lives, individually and collectively.
Why We Cook is filled with beautiful portraits and profiles on women in the culinary world. From Carla Hall, Celia Sack, Anita Lo, Gail Simmons to Gray Chapman, every story, recipe, and interview is inspiring, hopeful and an opportunity for all of us to embark on greater change. Lindsay’s words and her art offers hope for the future – for wisdom, empathy, and equity – in and out of the kitchen, and I’m so grateful that we’ve connected - and that now I get to share this conversation with you!
“I see this whole book as a conversation, and the women that are in this book are at the forefront of so many of the changes that we are seeing unfold in the culinary landscape, and those changes inevitably affect so many other parts of our lives, collectively and individually.”
To connect with Lindsay and learn more visit her website https://lindsaygardnerart.com and on Instagram @lindsaygardnerart and you can find Why We Cook here
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