Ep. 130 Change Your Breath, Change Your Life with Ana Lilia
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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!
On the podcast today is Ana Lilia, a certified breathwork teacher and healer leading thousands of people to intimately connect with their breath as a pathway for transformation.
Ana channels her intuition and seamlessly blends active breathwork, intuitive guidance, and curated music to create personalized and healing journeys. She creates safe, supportive, and loving spaces for participants to connect with deep parts of themselves, access their intuition, and unleash creativity.
In this week’s episode Ana and I chat about:
Breathwork 101 - what is breathwork, how it works, and why it’s a must add to our wellness routines
Ana’s journey finding breathwork, why it made her feel like she had a hidden superpower, and her spiritual, therapeutic approach to breathwork
How we can connect with our breath as a pathway for transformation and healing, the impact of breathing on how we think and feel, using our breath to relieve anxiety as we transition back into our “normal”, and Ana’s top relaxation techniques for this time
Plus, Ana shares the incredible transformations she’s witnessed in her clients, what she’s learned the most about herself through breathwork, her biggest dream, and so much more!
My biggest takeaway from my conversation with Ana is that our lives can change when we tap into our breath. There are so many beautiful healing modalities and if we can incorporate breathwork to help ourselves ground, settle, and breathe into the moment, we allow ourselves to become more expansive and more in touch with our body. Truthfully I think those are the two things we're all really searching for - how we can become more expansive and in touch with our body.
I’m so excited to share this week’s new episode with Ana, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
“The more that I practiced breathwork the more I felt in my power, the more I felt in control of my life. The more that I started to have the courage to make those scary decisions that I was putting off and just trust myself.”
“What that’s doing to your body in addition to oxygenating you’re starting to activate your parasympathetic nervous system so you’re able to go into rest and digest mode, that allows you to lower your heart rate, start to release endorphins, and you’re feeling relaxed and calm. That also allows you to get clear about things.”
Ana walks clients through a two-step pranayama breathing technique that moves blocked energy and emotions through the body, leaving them feeling clear, relaxed, and empowered. Her transformative work includes one-on-one coaching, private sessions, manifestation workshops, and virtual events to support clients in using their breath as a tool to help them calm their body and mind.
Ana specializes in managing anxiety with her exclusive 7 day Breathwork for Anxiety program where she offers a combination of guided breathwork meditations, visualization exercises, and intentional journaling. She also leads a weekly “Community Gathering” to help individuals manage the unique stress, fears, and overwhelm amidst the global pandemic. An international experience, people from across the world including Canada, Mexico, France, Germany, El Salvador, New Zealand, and more join Ana every Saturday to mitigate feelings of isolation and loss.
“The beautiful thing, and something that breathwork has taught me, is that when you have tools then life is so much easier to navigate.”
Ana regularly facilitates breathwork experiences within corporations and on behalf of leading brands, including Hyundai, American Heart Association, WeWork, Paige Denim, Murphy O’Brien and Sapient Razorfish. She has led sessions at WeAllGrow Latina, the country’s largest conference for Latina creators and entrepreneurs, and at wellness retreats in Los Angeles and Peru. Her work has been featured on NBC Nightly News with Lestor Holt, BravoTV, Los Angeles Times, Harper's Bazaar and more.
“One of the reasons why I fell in love with breathwork is because I was able to connect quickly with my body.”
To connect with Ana visit her website https://www.analilia.net and on Instagram @_ana_lilia Facebook @BreatheReleaseRelax
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