Tawn Williams - Founder, Bloom Healing Arts Academy

Tawn Williams

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Bloom Healing Arts Academy was founded in 2019 by Tawn Williams, a relationship specialist and intuitive healer with a passion for connecting heart-led instructors with anyone seeking healing from past traumas, spiritual alignment, and a deeper sense of purpose.

Bloom partners with organizations worldwide to offer employee support resources and services, including retreat planning, virtual and on-site master classes for employees, executive coaching and more. Through corporate consulting services, Bloom works with human resources teams to create authentic employee wellness experiences.

I’m excited for you to connect with Tawn, check out her work and Bloom Healing Arts, and follow along as she continues to create a community of corporations and individuals that truly care about whole mind, body, and spiritual wellness.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! I'm Tawn Williams, Founder of Bloom Healing Arts Academy. In my role with Bloom, I actively work with corporations to help them create a culture of care by designing programs that incorporate spiritual wellness into the workplace. Our most recent offering, the online portal, brings live and interactive classes to both individuals and corporations looking for simple ways to discover a multitude of wellness offerings.

How did you get started?

Bloom originally started as a retreat! My goal was to enlist the help of instructors who would sit with attendees and teach them different methods of healing and wellness so that participant healing could continue far after the retreat was over. I opted out of doing the retreat on a hunch and began to build this platform for a higher impact. Once Covid came to light, the platform was PERFECT for the current environment, providing additional avenues of self care to both individuals and corporations alike.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

When I began my spiritual journey, I found myself quite overwhelmed and oddly enough, underwhelmed at the same time. What I mean by this is that I knew that spiritual wellness HAD to be more than the things I had encountered quite often such as yoga or meditation. The trouble is, what if you can't do yoga or meditation? I knew there was more, but also had no idea where to start, so I found myself wishing I could go to a singular site and review what options resonated with me. Thus, the Bloom platform was born and continues growing. The more I uncover one awesome path to inner discovery, another one reveals itself and so on. It's really been quite the journey!

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion in life is improving the lives of others. That may seem vague, and maybe even cliche, but I very much came into this life looking for ways to improve the lives around- it's a value I hold very dear, the betterment of others in addition to myself. I understand that this takes form in a variety of ways, none of which are specific to me- I simply want to see people living lives that are fulfilling, joyous, peaceful, and abundant. So, YES!! I completely feel like I am living my passion and purpose!

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My joy blueprint really is the work I do with Bloom, if I could really even call it work. A close second to that is traveling with my partner Christopher and my two girls. I believe that seeing new things and places gives you perspective on how big the world is, and how important it is to see things from another person's view- not just the one you live in day to day. When we begin to be curious about others, our compassion and kindness grows. The more compassion grows, the easier it is to begin to see that we truly belong to each other. The more we realize we belong to each other, the more we embody the idea that there is no "them"- it's all "US".

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

Living intentionally is a daily practice but one that I often take time for in my routine. I meditate regularly, even during the day when I have to make decisions for Bloom. This is critical to our commitment to being a heart-led business- everything must be centered in and go to the heart first. This practice also deepens my gratitude for all this is, all there has been, while helping me let go of trying to figure out all that will be. By taking a moment to free myself from constantly thinking about the next thing, I find myself engaged in being present and grounded more often.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Oh my goodness! My younger self would be overjoyed! Growing up in a very low income household, even having a small stint in a homeless shelter when we moved cross country, I remember having big dreams about being able to help people achieve their dreams. I also remember wanting to "hug" happiness into people, even wishing my super power was to turn grumpy grownups into smiling, laughing people with just a touch. I mean, how much fun would that BE? 

Ultimately, I found myself helpless because as a little girl I was emotional, so I was hushed often and, being a bit wild and free (maybe even silly) I was told to sit down even more than that. Eventually, as I grew and forgot about that version of myself, but re-awakened her when I came into my journey again. It's a beautiful gift- to remember who we are, and thus, I think she would be THRILLED to have influence on so much of what we are doing today.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

“May I have eyes that see the good around me, ears that hear the needs of others as if they were my own, and a heart that is strong enough to change the world"


"My words have power. I am able to live in gratitude, abundance, and joy, while opening up opportunities for others to do the same"

What is your biggest dream?

leave this world even better than the way I found it.

To learn more and connect with Tawn visit her website www.bloomhealingarts.co on Instagram @Bloom.Academy @ClassicTawn and via email hello@bloomhealingarts.co

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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