Sarah Snyder - Digital Nomad Entrepreneur

Sarah Snyder

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Sarah Snyder is the co-founder of a boutique marketing agency and an experienced public relations executive known for her compassionate character, versatility, and strong interpersonal skills which help drive her unique style, as does her sense of humor under pressure.

Sarah has experience representing high net-worth individuals and companies, as well as start-ups and budding entrepreneurs. In representing said individuals and companies, she has developed both marketing strategies and public relations campaigns which have led clients to secure deals in excess of 100K per client acquisition. Media placements for both Sarah and her clients have included numerous local and national publications and TV outlets. 

Prior to her work in marketing and public relations, Sarah earned a Master's degree from the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor and became licensed as a professional counselor. Sarah became a counselor in an effort to help people who have been through traumatic experiences and struggle with their mental health. This is important to Sarah, as she had experienced trauma from an early age herself.  In adulthood, Sarah was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder, a coping mechanism that develops in children that experience on-going, inescapable trauma. Sarah now considers herself one of the only people who publicly declare themselves to be cured of DID.

Sarah’s determination to thrive despite the odds is also evident in her personal life. After playing on the offensive line for a women's professional football team, she later transitioned to strongwoman competitions. In 2013, she was nationally ranked as one of the top 10 strongest women in the United States. Today Sarah enjoys living life as a digital nomad entrepreneur, and while from Texas, she currently resides in Costa Rica.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Sarah, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to inspire others through sharing her experience with Dissociative Identify Disorder (DID) and the healing she’s experienced.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hey! I’m Sarah - I live as a digital nomad (currently in Costa Rica at the time of this interview), I’m a licensed professional counselor, but I don’t currently practice. Instead, I co-own a boutique marketing agency. I love to write and strategize. I have a huge heart for people and connections. I was formerly ranked as one of the top 10 strongest women in the US and I’ve played women’s professional football. I’m also a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, I’ve overcome massive bouts of depression and a suicide attempt. I was formerly diagnosed with Dissociative Identify Disorder (DID), of which I now consider myself cured. Today, I live the life of my dreams - I laugh every day! I had no idea that people could and did experience feelings of joy like this, as I do today.

How did you get started?

My journey to get to this point is long and complex, but every step I’ve taken has led me to this point in my life, so I am grateful for those steps. My true healing journey started when I met an international trauma specialist and life coach strategist, Dawn Taylor with The Tayor Way, in April of 2020. I was successful career-wise, but miserable personally. I thought I was in the best place of my life, but I was still experiencing suicidal ideation nearly every day, numerous times a day. I had been in years and years of counseling up to that point, and I had been hospitalized several times in psychiatric hospitals. I had had other life coaches up to that point as well - but I couldn’t seem to hang on to happiness or joy. I couldn’t work through the (inappropriate) shame I felt for the things that had been done to me as a child, and fully work through the trauma I had survived. Dawn helped to give me the tools I needed to save my own life. She helped me figure out how to truly heal, how to cure the DID, and how to begin taking leaps in life I hadn’t even begun to dream of before working together. 

What inspired the work that you're doing?

I love the business I have with my business partner, and the marketing strategy I get to do every day - it’s so much fun! My “work” though that truly inspires my life is letting people who have experienced trauma as I have in life know that there’s hope - that you can overcome anything in life, and thrive.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I think this is so tricky. I got caught up in my own mind for so long about my “purpose” in life and my passion, and it created a big stumbling block for me. Now I recognize that if I look for things to be grateful for and if I express gratitude for others, if I live from a place of “How can I be curious about life?” and “How can I love myself?” and “How can I express gratitude and love to others?” that my purpose is fulfilled. I believe in the pivot, and I will pivot and grow through this life, but in this moment what brings my heart joy is knowing that I can both give back to others and myself, to make a difference, even if it’s just a smiling at a stranger to try and help brighten their day.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I’m an adrenaline junkie! I love activities that keep me on the seat of my pants. Travel is key, swimming in the ocean - as much and as often as possible. I also love connecting with people, learning about how people operate, experiencing new cultures and ways of thinking about things. I also absolutely adore kids. I think hearing children laugh is one of the greatest joys we are given in this life. 

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I created what I call a daily “intentional plan” for my life. It includes things such as making sure I get in a 2-mile walk or run every day, that I identify at least one friend to have a phone call with each day (this is especially important as I live abroad). I also set aside a minimum of 15 minutes for play every day, and that I ask for help with one thing each day, so that I can practice building that muscle. 

I’ve also developed a bit of an odd habit over time. I’m sure it looks bizarre to anyone watching, but when I get this feeling of joy in my heart I will face the sun, open my chest, breathe in the air around me, touch my hand to my heart three times and then blow a kiss to the sky.

It’s my way of saying: “Thank you” to God and the Universe that I am still alive today to live and love my life.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Oh, this is such a beautiful question. I think she would be so, so proud of me. Actually, I know she would be. I’m finally living life, experiencing happiness and joy, as well as expressing sadness and anger. I make it a point to play, to honor my journey, and to respect myself and keep myself safe. I know she would be unbelievably proud of me for that.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation? 

My personal life philosophy that I often revert to is: “I am the creator of my circumstances, not a victim to them.”

This wasn’t true when I was a child, but now I create the circumstances I want for my life, and I work through the struggles and challenges to grow as a person.

What is your biggest dream?

I want to show the love that I craved for so long in my life to others. And to be the best Aunt I can be. 

To learn more and connect with Sarah visit her on Instagram @risk.delight

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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