Dawn Taylor - International Trauma Specialist, Life Coach Strategist, and All-Around Badass

Dawn Taylor

Dawn Taylor - Hope Giver.jpg

Dawn Taylor is the professional ass-kicker, hope giver.

International trauma specialist, life coach strategist, and all-around badass, Dawn’s journey into helping others heal began when she took her personal recovery from the trauma she experienced in her life into her own hands. 

While at times unconventional, Dawn’s strategic methods have helped hundreds heal from everything related to PTSD from sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, to issues from infidelity, to overcoming addiction, as well as helping cult survivors thrive. Dawn’s work has empowered entrepreneurs, stay-at-home moms, and CEOs alike to be the superheroes in their own lives. 

Having completed thousands of hours of training from many professional programs, including the Robbins Madanes Training Institute, and certified as a Subconscious Imprinting Techniques professional, Dawn’s blunt honesty will challenge your thinking, broaden your awareness, and help you achieve the outstanding results you are worthy of.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Dawn, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to empower people to be the superhero in their own rescue so that they can change their own lives and inspire others to do the same.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hello! My name is Dawn Taylor and I am a Canada-based international trauma specialist and life coach strategist. I like to think of myself as a professional ass-kicker and hope giver. When coaching clients, I use strategic tools and methods tailored to each person. In doing so, I have been able to help my clients heal from issues related to PTSD from sexual, emotional, and physical abuse, to overcoming addiction, to issues from infidelity, as well as helping cult survivors thrive. Having completed thousands of hours of training from many professional programs, including the Robbins Madanes Training Institute, it is my goal to empower anyone who asks for my help to be the superheroes in their own lives. In the fall of 2020, I moved from Edmonton, Alberta to British Columbia to begin the process of opening a healing home on beautiful Vancouver Island.

How did you get started?

It was a multitude of events that made me realize this is what I wanted to do. Before I became a coach, family and friends came to me for advice when they were going through hardships. One day, after having helped a friend through a tough situation, she told me I should be doing this for a living. I kept that thought on the back burner, until I attended an event that changed my life. At the time, I owned a business, but it wasn’t making me happy and I was trying to figure out what was going to bring me joy. At this event, I met a woman who was extremely successful professionally - who, frankly, I was slightly intimidated by - and my conversation with her was a game-changer. That day, I made a small decision (walking up to this lady, even though she intimidated me) to build a connection with her. This connection led to me taking massive action - changing my entrepreneurial journey - and not caring what anyone thought of it. It has led me to where I am now.

What inspired the work that you're doing?

My journey into helping others heal began when I took my personal recovery from the trauma I experienced in my life into my own hands. I have overcome many obstacles in life, including childhood sexual abuse, a brain aneurysm, a suicide attempt, and infertility - just to name a few. These experiences made me who I am today, and while it took time and energy to overcome the trauma, it fueled my desire to help others heal and thrive, like me.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

Helping people and seeing them thrive is my life vocation. I feel so fortunate to be able to fulfill that passion every day. It sounds cliché, but when you do something you love, you will never work a day in your life - and that is exactly how I feel about the work I do. I am honoured to work with each and every client that walks through my door (whether in person or virtually).

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I get so much joy from helping others. Every person has a story of their own, and it brings me immense happiness to see them heal and feel joy again in life. Besides my job, I find joy in the simple things in life: putting on my favourite earrings in the morning, calling my best friend, hanging out with and laughing with my husband, and going for a walk in nature. It truly is that simple.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I start my day off by thinking: ‘How can I make today even more amazing?’ and doing something small that makes me happy. I am mindful of my environment and the people around me, and I take time to take it all in: the sounds, the smells, and the beauty. Another favourite grounding technique of mine is the “Superman/Superwoman” pose, paired with breathing exercises - preferably barefoot on the grass.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

She would be so proud that I have made it this far, and she would find strength and pride in knowing that I have overcome all the hardships that life has thrown my way.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation? 

I ask myself everyday ‘How can I love you even more?’ It is my motto that helps me show love to those around me and to myself. I also say “You got this” to myself more than I probably should!

What is your biggest dream?

I am so thrilled to say that, at this very moment, my biggest dream is becoming a reality: in March 2021, I will be opening a healing home to welcome anyone suffering from issues related to isolation, rape, sexual abuse, verbal, emotional and physical abuse, domestic violence, surviving cults, high-conflict divorces, and feelings of unworthiness, to name a few, to come and heal. The Seen | Heard | Healed healing home is located in Duncan on Vancouver Island. It has a luxury suite that provides clients with the opportunity to stay anywhere from four to 23 days for one-on-one customized immersion healing. This includes everything from home-cooked food to allowing for the expression of their deepest emotions, to truly working through the depths of the trauma they have experienced – in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.

There is a creek on the property and the ocean is nearby, gardens, flowers, and so many trees so those who come can enjoy the serenity of nature and the space to breathe, while escaping day-to-day life and triggers, allowing for the needed time to heal.Seen | Heard | Healedis about recognizing, facing, and overcoming your demons. As a survivor and now a thriver, I want to provide a safe space for those who are willing and ready to turn the page to embrace true joy and happiness.

To learn more and connect with Dawn on her website https://www.thetaylorway.ca and on Facebook @thetaylorway on Instagram @thetaylorwaynow and on LinkedIn here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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