Megan Scollay-Casillas - Founder, Ask Megs, LLC

Megan Scollay-Casillas

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Megan, Megs, is a goal achievement and mindset coach who helps multi-passionate women make decisions with ease by helping them commit to their inspirations, create a goal achievement plan, and knockdown any doubt along the way. As a certified health coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners (2012), 500hr advanced yoga therapy trained from Loyola Marymount University (2015), Megs puts her unique training to use to build client-specific plans that help them achieve their dreams and challenge limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that bubble up during the process. 

After taking clients casually since 2013, Megs decided to listen to the internal pull she has always had to start her own business and committed to building Ask Megs into a full-time coaching practice. After a series of personal medical scares in late 2019 and 2020, Meg decided that life is too short to spend time doing anything that doesn’t light you up. So, she took a leap of faith to pursue one of her greatest passions - supporting other women in building the lives they dream of. Ask Megs, LLC. was officially established in February 2021. 

The name for Ask Megs, LLC. was inspired by a nickname that her aunt lovingly assigned to her. Her aunt personifies the idea that women are powerful and should be highly regarded. She introduced Megs to feminism and made advocacy feel necessary. When Ask Megs, LLC. was established, Megs envisioned it as a resource that women could ask questions about the things that were holding them back from living the life they dreamed of. She envisioned a space of support, community, and ambition. Working with clients 1:1 and in a small coaching environment, Megs offers her clients a safe place to explore their spark, achieve their goals, and challenge their limiting beliefs. 

I’m excited for you to connect with Megan, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to help multi-passionate women make decisions with ease by helping them commit to their inspirations, create a goal achievement plan, and knockdown any doubt along the way.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

My name is Megan but my business is Ask Megs, LLC.. “Megs” is a nickname my aunt has always called me. For me, she personifies the idea that women are powerful and should be highly regarded. She introduced me to feminism and made speaking up feel necessary. When I started Ask Megs, I envisioned it as a place where women could come and ask questions about the things that were holding them back from living the life they dreamed of. I envisioned a space of support,community, and ambition.

I am a goal achievement and mindset coach. I help multi-passionate women take action with ease by helping them commit to their inspirations, creating a plan to get them there, and challenge every doubt that pops up along the way. I have over 12 years of experience working 1:1 and with teams to set and achieve goals quickly and efficiently. I have multiple certificates in various mind/body disciplines, for example: Holistic Health Coach Certificate (2012) from the world’s largest nutrition school (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), and an advanced certificate in Yoga Therapy teaching me the body/mind connection.

Right now, Ask Megs is a budding business! I am working to grow my 1:1 practice as well as launching a group coaching experience in September for 10 women committed to reaching their goals this year.

How did you get started?

I started taking 1:1 clients as part of my practical hours for my certificate while studying at Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN). I hadn’t started the program with the intent to take on 1:1 clients as a career, but I loved it. In fact, I started the program out of desperation to find channels of healing for a health concern that I was facing at the time.

However, the practice sparked my passion for helping people reach their dreams! During my time studying with IIN, I developed a solid foundation for asking questions that cut to the heart of the challenge my clients were facing and help them develop the tools they need to reach their goals. Additionally, I have a business background, managing small to large teams, so I was able to develop a holistic approach to personal development that takes a multi-faceted approach.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

Up until this year, February 2021, my coaching practice was not my first focus. I have always ignored the entrepreneurial pull to really commit to building my own business because it’s hard work, and can be scary to think about. But in November 2019 one of my daughters was diagnosed with Epilepsy and hospitalized for a short time. And shortly after that I was diagnosed with a rare bleeding disorder and underwent life saving treatment that really pulled the rug out from under me.

I realized that life is too short to spend it not pursuing the things that light you up. For me, that meant focusing on supporting women to achieve their wildest dreams. It meant helping other women step into their power, stop apologizing for BEING, find and commit to their inspiration, helping them create an actionable plan (and actually take action), and then helping them challenge the limiting beliefs and behaviors that are not serving them.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is absolutely women’s leadership. Anything I can do that supports women on their journey, is my jam. When I am working with a client and we achieve a goal, hit a milestone, or start to recognize thought patterns that are holding us back and learn tools to make different choices, I 100% feel that I am living my passion and purpose. There is nothing else in the world like that feeling. It’s amazing!

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I definitely love the rush of witnessing women step into their power and achieve some amazing things - things that light them up! Outside of working with my clients, I was a professional dancer so moving my body feels like “home” to me. And I have been lucky enough to build a beautiful family with an amazing hubby and two beautifully fierce (each in their own way) daughters. Being with them lights me up.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I am a huge fan of boundaries. I often work through what my non-negotiables are for certain situations and write them down. I write, with a pen and paper, a lot. I write my goals down, I write my boundaries down, I write my task lists. I get it off my brain and on to paper so that I can let it be.

When I’m anxious, I am a huge fan of 4-7-8 breathing technique (especially when I struggle to get my mind to stop racing at night). Before I meet with clients, I do some energetic work because being an empath, I can take too much ownership over others’ feelings than is useful for either of us. And when I need some direction or focus, I pull some tarot or affirmation cards.

I also do my fair share of personal development work. I have a therapist who I meet with regularly to keep me tuned up :). I am always rotating personal development books and for fun books. I also try and move my body regularly to physically work through the day.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

I think she would be surprised. When I was younger I was so focused on being a professional dancer, and very, very introverted, that I never gave myself permission to be an empathetic giver. I also constantly questioned my capabilities. Who was I to help others on their achievement journey? But the thing I have come to realize is that I don’t have to have it all figured out to support someone else, I just have to have the drive to support other women and be a bit further along on the path so I can help illuminate the way.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

“I am ENOUGH” Sometimes I’ll build on this, but this is always my foundation. As a recovering perfectionist, this mantra keeps me grounded. It serves as a reminder that my best (even if it isn’t perfect) is good enough.

What is your biggest dream?

Oh this is such a challenge for me to answer because I don’t want to limit myself based on what I know at this moment! But if I had to say, right now, my biggest dream may just be to support as many women as I can reach their goals and challenge the limiting beliefs and behavior patterns that slow them down.

Personally, I want to show my daughters that their strengths are important, that their opinions matter, and that their voices deserve to be heard. I want them to grow up witnessing women supporting each other so that they know that the “mean girl” era is played out and done. I also want to show them that they can create the life they want with hard work and persistence.

To learn more and connect with Meg visit her website and on Instagram @askmegs Facebook @askmegscoaching via email and you can sign up for her newsletter here

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