Kitiya Skye - Founder, HONOR Mornings™

Kitiya Skye


Kitiya Skye is the founder of HONOR Mornings™, a premier, wellness brand connecting science to spirit. Made with love and nutritionist backed, it’s goddess alchemy.

Kitiya created HONOR Mornings™ as a way to share her ongoing discoveries about health, wellness, and self-love with the world. The messaging behind Honor Mornings™ is HONORing yourself and being your most authentic self; mind, body and soul was inspired by her own personal growth and wellness journey from insecurity to self love. 

Kitiya was born in Eastern Europe and worked in New York City for 6 years as an Advertising Executive for luxury beauty accounts at the most awarded advertising agency in the world. After realizing she felt depleted and unhappy, she made a complete 180º and moved to Los Angeles to pursue her love of wellness and art. “Life's too short to do something you don't love!” 

HONOR Mornings™ represents her desire to give back and serve the world with healthy and loving foods, as well as share her ongoing discoveries about health, wellness, and wellbeing. This is now her path to living in alignment with her highest truth and life purpose! Enjoy and watch your life transform!

I’m so excited for you to connect with Kitiya, check out HONOR Mornings™, and follow along as she continues to create smoothies with superpowers that nourish the body, mind, and soul.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! My name is Kitiya Skye and I’m the founder of HONOR Mornings® Wellness. HONOR Mornings is a 100% organic, vegan and sweetener free, powdered smoothie mixture composed from the ideal combination of plant protein, supergreens, spirulina, and adaptogenic mushrooms and herbs to nourish the body, mind, and soul. It’s made of the highest quality vegan protein powder, mucuna, reishi, maca, spirulina, and other supergreens to help you glow from within and feel amazing. It’s Smoothies with Superpowers!

The idea of HONORing yourself and being your most authentic self; mind, body and soul and was inspired by my own personal growth and wellness journey.

How did you get started?

Before HONOR Mornings™ was a part of my life I was living and working in NYC at an Advertising Agency on luxury beauty accounts. It’s ironic because my day-to-day work life was focused on external beauty with luxury skincare and makeup, but I wasn’t paying enough attention to what was going on inside my body; I was depriving it of the nutrients and care that it really needed. As a result, I looked and felt less than wonderful. I was constantly stressed, working late and living off champagne, coffee, and Pad Thai. No wonder I needed to wear so much more makeup back then! I started experimenting with various smoothie combinations made up of superfoods, fruit, and herbs to help get me out of my funk. I tried many “less than ideal” combinations before HONOR Mornings was born!

What inspired the work that you're doing?

HONOR Mornings was born out of gratitude for all that I've received, my own journey to self-love, and a deep desire to give back and serve the world.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I believe that one of the reasons we exist is to share our gifts with the world. We’re each born with a unique set of talents that nobody else has. It’s our duty to bring that magnificence to the table and help and inspire others.

I’m passionate about helping others live their best and most authentic life. I want to lead by example, by always showing up as my most creative, dynamic and quirky self and by creating products, smoothies, and performing arts that help others feel delicious inside and out.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Feeling good in my own skin, witnessing my own evolution, growth, and expansion and witnessing growth in others. I also love learning new things, travelling, friends and family and the California sunshine!

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I have a beautiful collection of tools that help me stay mindful, positive and grounded. Here are a few...

  • I’m a conscious eater and believe in giving my body organic, vegan and fresh, high vibrational foods and smoothies.

  • I’m a big believer in affirmations and say 100 every morning and night. It helps me become aware of my internal monologue and better control that messaging.

  • I’m a big believer in somatic therapy which focuses on the mind+body connection. Our bodies store all of our emotions!

  • I also love to journal in a stream of consciousness style every evening. That helps me connect with my highest self.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

She’d be proud of me. I was always a very energetic and creative child, full of unique ideas and a big imagination. I feel so fortunate that I’ve been able to tap into that same creativity to make products and art that serve and inspire the world.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

“I am a multi-faceted creative icon.”

What is your biggest dream?

I have an abundance of dreams! I’d love to open a HONOR Mornings® storefront with a delicious smoothie bar and other wellness products. I’m working on a cookbook. I’d love to produce and star in a series. I’d also love to give a Ted Talk. I believe I can and will do it all! (I have a very large vision board lol!)

To learn more about Kitiya and HONOR Mornings visit her website and on Instagram @honormornings and @kitiyaskye

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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