Hollister Rand - Internationally Renowned Medium and Author

Hollister Rand

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Hollister Rand has provided detailed messages from spirits for more than 25 years. Everything You Wanted to Know about the Afterlife but Were Too Afraid to Ask, published by Beyond Words Publishing/Atria Books, provides insights and answers to the most common questions about life after death. Her work on television includes Tori & Dean: Home Sweet Hollywood and America Now. Hollister’s radio appearances include Sirius XM’s John Edward Psychic Radio, KOST FM’s Angels in Waiting, KBIG 104’s Radio Medium and Coast to Coast AM with George Noory.

During her marriage to college sweetheart and fellow medium, James Van Praagh, Hollister’s passion for spirit communication blossomed. Following their divorce, Hollister expanded her dedication to the healing work of mediumship with events and workshops in the US and abroad. It has been her honor to work with respected mediums including Robert Brown and John Edward. Hollister lives in Los Angeles with her impossibly small and very loving rescue Chihuahuas, Bodhi and Amara.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Hollister, check out work and her new book, and follow along as she continues to provide specific messages from loved ones in spirit and is known for her extraordinarily detailed work. 

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Communicating with loved ones in spirit is my joy! Loved ones include relatives, friends and beloved pets in spirit but also guides and angels. I’ve been working with spirits for more than 25 years and have learned a lot about life—and the afterlife. People have lots of questions about what I do so that led to writing my latest book. Everything You Wanted to Know About the Afterlife, but were Afraid to Ask is an organized, easy to read (or listen to) collection of the most frequently asked questions—and my informed and comforting answers. I wanted the book to feel like a conversation with a friend, who also happens to be a medium.

How did you get started?

Spirits have been part of my life for as long as I can remember. When I was young, some spirits were strangers and not welcomed, especially when they invaded my bedroom at night. Although I studied everything I could find about ghosts and spirits, it wasn’t until my late twenties that I got to work with other sensitives. After years of practicing spirit communication, I stepped into my purpose—being a professional medium.

What inspired the work that you're doing?

A desire to bring healing to the pain and trauma caused by death. As I devoted myself to service, inspiration expanded to include teaching others how to connect and be guided by their own network of spirits. I’m inspired more each day, so who knows where it will lead???

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I didn’t consciously choose to be a spokesperson for the spirits; they chose me. Early in my life, being “different” was more of a burden than a benefit (or so I thought). Once I got over the idea of being victimized by my sensitivity, I could live with purpose. These days, sharing the love of the spirits is my one, true passion, and I’m living it to the max!

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I feel the most alive when I’m speaking to spirits in front of an audience, whether in person or online.  Being in service to spirits as they bring love, joy, hope, and healing to their loved ones lights me up. It might seem ironic that I feel most alive when speaking with the dead. The spirits, however, are the most alive and joy-filled people I know!!

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I gave up living by rote a long time ago. When I get into bed each night, I thank the spirits for being there—and then express gratitude for 5 people/things in my life. Upon waking in the morning, I allow my energy to fill my body to the tips of my toes and fingers and through the top of my head. Once I feel fully present and awake, I sit on the side of the bed with my feet on the floor and allow my energy to connect with the ground. By that time, my dog, Kalla, is jumping around on the bed, which is her way of saying, come on and off we go.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Seriously?????  And—how cool!! My younger self didn’t think that spirit communication could be a career choice. So to everyone reading this, your future can be exciting, fulfilling, and magnificent in ways you may not be able to imagine right now.  

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

I am grateful.

What is your biggest dream?

Every time I’ve had a big dream, it has come true! (And what is true for me, can be for you, too.) Now I keep a few dreams going at the same time, so that I don’t limit the possibilities. One of these big dreams is to have a streaming show that explores spirit communication in a deep, meaningful, revealing—and scientific way.

To learn more about Hollister visit her website www.HollisterRand.com and on Instagram @mediumhollisterrand Facebook @HollisterRand Twitter @HollisterRand and on YouTube here

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