Dmitria Burby - Author and Healer

Dmitria Burby


Dmitria is an author and healer that helps people reconnect with their spirit. Helping them to see the parts of themselves that have been lost or forgotten on the way to building their life. She is passionate about people rediscovering the vibrancy of life that comes when you are able to feel whole and connected in your life. 

Her book, Return to the Light Within: How I Woke Up, Rediscovered Who I Am, and Found Happiness, is a revealing and raw memoir of her own journey from successful corporate executive to rediscovering and reconnecting with her soul and spirit. This journey of awakening to her light within allowed her to unlock the life she had always dreamed of. Dmitria hopes that the vulnerable share of the ins and outs of her own journey will provide inspiration and comfort to others as they navigate their own awakening and transformation.

Dmitria created Luminance Healing as a container to work with clients in a private one-on-one program that supports their own discovery of their inner light. She uses her gift to channel peoples’ souls back to them in unique conversations that uncover and bring the parts of them that are lost or forgotten into conscious awareness. She then supports the integration of these newly discovered aspects into clients’ daily lives and lived experience.

All of the components of Luminance Healing and the content that she creates supports her life’s passion to support others in the discovery of the life well lived. A life full of deep connection to self and others, joy, happiness, and ease.

I’m excited for you to connect with Dmitria, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to help people reconnect with their spirit.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! I’m Dmitria. I am an author, healer, speaker, wife, mother, and sister. I help people reconnect to their truest essence, to rediscover the parts of their soul that have been lost, forgotten, or neglected. I believe that when you feel whole and connected to your spirit that the joy and happiness that we are all seeking is unlocked. I am publishing my first book in September 2021 and working on my second. The first is a memoir of my own personal journey and the second is a framework for how people can embark on their own journey of self-discovery. I am also the founder of Luminance Healing, where I help people rediscover their own light within and find joy in their lives.

How did you get started?

It all started with working on myself. I had spent my life doing all the things that I was told would bring my happiness. I studied hard in school, got a college degree, excelled in my career, found my soulmate and created a family. I had it all, but was still struggling to experience joy and happiness on a regular basis. I knew that I needed to make some big changes in my own life if I was going to live the life I had always dreamed of. I quit my job and set out on an inner journey to find happiness. Once I discovered it for myself, I knew that I had to share everything I learned with others to help them discover their own joy and happiness.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

The knowledge that I am just a regular woman and there are so many other people out there just like me. All of us are struggling to understand why we aren’t exceedingly joyful and happy given all of the blessings we have in our lives. Throughout my own process and journey I felt alone and lost. I wanted to share my story in hopes of helping others feel supported through their own journey. To help people know that there is a way through to the other side. That living a life full of joy is possible. 

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is helping people reconnect with their spirit, unlocking access to the vibrancy and magic that is all around us. My entire body lights up when I am able to connect with people and inspire them to see their life in a new light.

I am absolutely living my passion and purpose. I know this because I am filled with joy and excitement when I think about the impact I am having on real peoples’ lives. I am deeply grateful that I get to spend my days doing what I do.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My joy blueprint is a trifecta of rest, connection to myself, and connection to others. To truly experience joy I need to be well rested, which means I have been taking care of myself; connected to my own spirit, meaning I am doing something aligned with my purpose and passion in life; and deeply connected to others.

Being deeply connected with others can take so many forms that I find when I do the first two, the third piece falls into place. When I am rested and connected to my own spirit the simplest of things brings me joy. It can be a walk and conversation with my husband, a moment being silly and dancing with my daughter, or sitting outside noticing the miracles of nature.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I meditate daily. I include energy clearing as part of that time and connect with my spirit and Source to replenish me. All of that keeps me mindful and grounded. I also am always asking myself how I can see the world differently. What would change in my understanding of a given moment or situation if I looked at it from a different perspective? Asking myself these simple questions pushes me to always see the light in the darkest of moments and the ripples of inspiration that radiate from each action and word.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Ha! She would be laughing so hard. She would be thinking that I went off the deep end. My younger self was myopically focused on getting stuff done. She was focused on building a life of things that would make her happy. She might (hopefully) also be inspired to know that living a fulfilled life of joy and happiness is possible. I hope that she would feel at peace knowing that she would make it here.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

I don’t have a specific mantra or affirmation. I constantly think about the light, that essence that is love, and how powerful it is. Light can transmute anything and reveal the true wonders of the universe. However, when I am scared or unsettled I often find myself chanting, “I am safe. I am secure.” While focusing on the energy moving through my root chakra. This mantra has helped me through some scary moments and grounded me back in my faith and trust of the Divine.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is that everyone is able to find their own version of true joy and happiness. That each person sees the blessings in their life no matter how many challenges they have faced. That they know that no matter how long it takes them, they will be able to become deeply connected to themselves in a way that offers them tranquility and peace.

To learn more and connect with Dmitria visit her website where she posts weekly on her blog about the latest lessons she’s learned or been reminded of and on Instagram @luminancehealing and you can find her books here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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