Danielle Ryan - Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200), Certified EFT Practitioner, Host of Adulting 101 Podcast

Danielle Ryan

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Danielle Ryan is a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200) and Certified EFT Practitioner, born and raised in beautiful Muskoka, ON. She’s a multi-passionate twenty-something on a mission to improve the lives of millennial women everywhere through the workings of the mind, body, and soul.

She operates Muskoka’s premiere mobile wellness studio, curating private yoga classes, guided meditations, and 1:1 EFT intensives for women both in person and online. Through her online membership platform, private yoga classes, 1:1 work, and podcast, she creates space for people to confront the stress & anxiety of day-to-day life in order to foster the confidence they need to build a life they love.

Danielle is also the host of Adulting 101, a space for real & raw conversations about navigating adulthood; the good stuff, the hard stuff, and the stuff that makes you ask ‘what the f#$%’ !? Tune in as we discuss everything from personal development to entrepreneurship, spirituality, wellness, and self-confidence. This podcast was created by a millennial for millennials helping you find the guidance, motivation, and reassurance you need to remember that you are enough as you already are.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Danielle, check out her work and her podcast, and follow along as she continues to empower her clients through her services to tap into the magic inside of themselves in order to design the life they want, rather than settle for the one they have found.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Danielle here –  Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT200) and Certified EFT Practitioner – born and raised in beautiful Muskoka, ON, Canada. I am a multi-passionate twenty-something on a mission to improve the lives of millennial women everywhere through the workings of the mind, body, and soul.

I operate a private yoga studio and offer 1:1 EFT intensives for women both in person and online. Through my online membership platform, private yoga classes, 1:1 work, and podcast I create space for people to confront the stress & anxiety of day-to-day life in order to foster the confidence they need to build a life they love.

How did you get started?

In 2017, I found myself grinding away at a 9-5 job I hated. I spent a lot of time wondering how I got so stuck & worrying if I would ever get out. In April 2017 on my 25th birthday I launched my podcast Adulting 101 to help other millennials who were feeling the same way, and exactly one year later in 2018 I decided to quit my full-time job, become a yoga teacher, and launch my business!

What inspired the work that you're doing?

I’ve always been so passionate about this idea that we only have one life and we need to be making the most of it. If there are things you don’t like in your life, only you have the power to change them, and any amount of wishful thinking or complaining isn’t going to do that for you. I know what it’s like to feel stressed and anxious about taking control of your life’s choices, but I also know how powerful out can be when you do so. I want to empower millennial women to find the confidence they need to recognize this and take action on it.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

You know, it’s funny. I am a firm believer that none of us has one single purpose, instead I see my purpose as a beautiful series of unfolding, learning, sharing, and changing along the way. Given this philosophy, I support I feel most like living in my passion & purpose when I am following what feels good for me with where I am at, at any particular given time. A little ambiguous perhaps, but in all honesty humans were never created linear & I don’t think our passions were either.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Simplicity. This was my commitment coming into 2021, and it’s something I find myself continuing to come back to. Clearing the clutter both physically & emotionally in my life. I find my joy in spending time outside, fostering new connections, and nurturing the important relationships I already have.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

In all honesty, I treat my life like a bit of an experiment. I lean into what feels good, follow things that interest me, leave behind the things that don’t, and forge forward onto the next thing. I used to think that a life with intention had to look very rigid & structured with a set routine, but over the course of my personal development journey I have really come to learn that just following what feels good will always serve me well. Naturally, some of my favourite tools include yoga, journaling, and self-guided EFT practice.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Honestly, she’d probably be laughing. I always joke about a time nearly 10 years ago when a close friend of mine suggested I give entrepreneurship a try and I laughed in his face and said that would never happen. My younger self had a much different vision for my life, but I like to think the path I’ve chosen is still equally as impactful. I would hope she’d be proud.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation? 

"You are the sky, everything else is just the weather”. A beautiful reminder that we are just souls in a body experiencing this thing called life. I try tote every day for what it is - the good & the bad - while not getting too caught up in that which I can’t control.

What is your biggest dream?

I want to stay happy. I mean, for the most part I already am in a general sense and my biggest dream honestly is to never lose sight of that; to be able to tackle the not-so-good, and to remember that life is a beautiful opportunity for all of us.

In a more superficial sense, my other biggest dream would be to own a waterfront property with some acreage where I can build an off-grid retreat centre. We live in a very chaotic world with a lot of pressures & I really want to create a place where people can disconnect from all of that and allow themselves to tune into themselves and what they really desire.

To learn more and connect with Danielle visit her website https://www.lifestylebydesignstudio.com on Instagram @lifestylebydesignstudio and you can find Adulting 101 here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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