Ananda Murari - Transformative Communications Coach

Ananda Murari


Ananda Murari left college in Flagstaff, Az at age 20 to live at a yoga monastery in Denver Colorado for 5 years. Graduating the ashrama he felt strengthened internally and clear about what he wanted to do in the world. He finished his degree in psychology and got certified in transformative communication as well.

He and his wife now live in Michigan and he has built a career supporting people around the globe as they learn to build a sacred container for their own life. Ananda believes in everyone's personal story and is passionate about helping people write the best one possible.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Ananda, check out his work, and follow along as he continues to serve, support and uplift others through his work, journey, and music.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

My Name Is Ananda Murari Das and I am a Transformative Communications Coach. Transformative communication is the art and practice of living consciously, beginning with how we speak. I believe in speaking to the person beyond the circumstance and creating wholesome environments for everyone to grow and thrive.

How did you get started?

When I first went to University, I was studying Music. While there I came across some traveling monks who were offering free meditations on campus. I was captivated by these monks and their practices, but beyond that, the integrity with which they lived their lives. It planted in me a seed that grew eventually into me leaving my degree and traveling with a group of nomadic monks around North America. I then spent the next 6 years dedicated to a monastic lifestyle, learning the timeless wisdom of Vedic Psychology and spirituality. This gave me a deep clarity about how I wanted to serve in the world. I graduated from the monastery and pursued further training in western psychology and transformative training, in order to bridge the gap between the timeless teachings of the east and the great need of our present.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

Seeing and feeling the need in my own self to upgrade the quality of my interactions and relationships with others, and in doing so, experiencing my entire life becoming enhanced, I realized that everything I was learning, had to somehow be shared. It became very clear to me the common needs we as humans seek, and I became inspired to develop my life in such a way that I could speak to those needs. Developing the tools and practices to create the container of conscious living and the language to give that to others became a natural part of who I am.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

Understanding that there is a person beyond the circumstance. A paradigm I live my life under is that of the “diamond heart”. I’m not of the opinion that our life is a completely blank slate where we start from nothing to create our reality. Rather, I feel very strongly that each and every individual has a dynamit and profound reality to their existence, and our “service” in this world is to uncover that true diamond of individuation. I feel very much committed and in alignment with that purpose to uncover my own diamond heart and support others in doing the same.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

When I allow myself the space to really connect to my values of authenticity, empathy, and seeing the spiritual spark in all persons, and being empowered to speak to that reality, weather it be through creativity and music, public speaking, or with my clients one on one, I feel quite alive in that arena.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

My morning practice of chanting (meditation), reading, and prayer are essential to get me going in the right direction. By keeping the inflow of higher and uplifting vibrations, I am able to stay oriented in “goal vision” rather than get stuck with “obstacle vision.” The wisdom cultures of the world have given such lucid information about how to navigate our human experience, and staying close with those vibrations keeps me centered.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

My younger self would be quite surprised that this was the direction I’ve gone yet simultaneously would recognize the congruent nature of our desires, seeing the way our life has unfolded is consistent with what we’ve always truly wanted.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

Two are coming to mind:

 I live to be Corrected. - Humility is our greatest super power, and training the mind to avoid finding fault or complaining about circumstances around us enables us to constantly grow.

Progress is Eternal - a Transcendent Joy blossoms in the heart always ready for growth and attentive to the invitations that Life offers us to upgrade.

What is your biggest dream?

To live a life consistent with my my values, dedicated to serving others and cultivating grace and authenticity in connection with God and God’s creatures.

To learn more and connect with Ananda visit his website www.WholePerson.Life and on Instagram and his LinkTree here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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