Ep. 103 Celebrating Three Years of Seek The Joy Podcast
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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!
Today we’re celebrating THREE YEARS of Seek The Joy Podcast!
It feels a little surreal to be sharing our three-year anniversary episode. When I sat down to publish our first episode back in October 2017, I could have never predicted what the show would evolve into.
This show is really inspired by our ongoing journey toward growth, empowerment, and self-love. I find it pretty cool that in the last three years we’ve been on this journey together.
I have found to really get to this space of empowerment, to begin to choose your own self-love, is a journey in trust, in believing in yourself, and in choosing your joy. It’s about allowing yourself to grow, and to do that you have to push yourself - you have to do things you never thought you would, you have to push past that comfort zone that we all create for ourselves, and through the podcast we’ve done this together.
In today’s episode I reflect on the last three years of Seek The Joy, my three biggest takeaways, what I’m excited about for year four, and more!
I would love for you to join the celebration! I can’t wait to hear what you think about today’s episode, the impact of vulnerability in your life, and more! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
“The impact of vulnerability has been such an incredible theme on the podcast. It’s allowed us to grow as people, grow in our compassion, grow in our empathy, and grow in our joy too. ”
“You can have such a large impact by choosing to express your joy and your passion. You can help us move through this time by just being yourself! There’s nothing more that you have to do other than tune into your passion and your joy, and express it. That expression is contagious, and it will inspire someone else to express their joy and their passion too.”
The last three years have had such a profound impact on my life. I’m really grateful that I took a chance, and that I hit record and then hit publish on this podcast three years ago.
There are three things have really struck me over the last three years: the impact of vulnerability, the role of joy and passion, and why it’s so important to celebrate ourselves.
What is so incredible about the impact of vulnerability is just how far reaching it is. Your choice to be courage in sharing your truth and your experience is healing! Both for you, and who you’re talking to. I think it’s pretty cool that in the last three years we’ve been able to come together on this podcast around shared experiences, be open and honest about the highs and lows in our lives, and know that choice to be vulnerable, to choose your courage, is going to have an impact.
I think we often underestimate the role of our joy and our passion in moments of difficulty, struggle and discomfort. Right now, I think there’s still a lot of joy to be found. It can feel harder to find our joy, it can feel more difficult and sticky to seek and experience your joy, but I think it’s still there. For me, it’s been about holding on to the joy in my life - what fills me up, what allows me to keep going - while remaining connected to what’s going on in the world.
Sometimes we think about joy, happiness, and positivity as something that needs to be kept separate or distinct from the “real world.” I have a little bit of a different view, I actually think it’s about figuring out how you can bring the two together! The more that we can bring our joy, passion, and inspiration into these moments. If you can tune into your joy and passion, and be an expression of that, you can have such a large impact on your life, on the lives of those around you, and the world.
When I think about where I want the show to move in year four, this is exactly it! I want to continue to have inspiring, impactful and powerful conversations that are uplifting and full of joy, but also talk about and reflect on who we are, and what we’re experiencing.
My last takeaway from three years of Seek The Joy Podcast is just how important it is to celebrate you! Celebrate your success, your joy, and also celebrate the moments of difficulty. I know that sounds kind of strange . . . why would I celebrate struggle, adversity or hardship? Those moments of adversity, struggle and hardship help mold you and shape you into the person that you are, and the person that you’re meant to be. Without those moments you wouldn’t know what you’re capable of. But here’s the thing, without joy and celebration, you also wouldn’t know who you are and what you’re capable of! Be proud of who you are, be proud of what you’ve accomplished, be proud of what you’ve overcome, and be proud of what you’ve allowed yourself to celebrate too.
I am so excited to dive in to year four of Seek The Joy! Thank you for the last three years, for tuning in to the show, for sharing it, and being part of it. I don’t know where the show would be without you on this journey.
Over the last three years I’ve had over 167 episodes and 102 conversations, over 118 people have shared their story on The Power of Storytelling, and I’ve featured over 187 people on Joy Corner.
As I shared in today’s episode, The Power of Storytelling has moved over to its own podcast, Stories of Inspiring Joy. In December 2020 we’ll officially retire The Power of Storytelling episodes, but all stories will continue to be shared on Stories of Inspiring Joy. There is real power in storytelling and when we come together around shared experiences, we build connection, create inspiration, and come together more powerfully in community.
In January 2020 I launched Lessons In, and we’ve shared 10 episodes so far with many more to come. This series has been so much fun to create and share, and the impact is far reaching.
This is incredible and overwhelming, and I really feel like we’re just getting started. There’s so much to come, and I’m excited to share it all with you!
Here’s to powerful storytelling, to powerful conversations to continue to inspire us and empower us, to really doing the work to uplifting one another’s voices, and choosing unapologetically (sometimes with fear!) to step into our vulnerability and courage, all to seek our joy.
With love and joy always!
Sydney xx
P.S. have you entered our Three Year Anniversary Celebration Giveaway?! All of the details are here
If you enjoyed today’s episode make sure to share it and tag us on Instagram @seekthejoypodcast so we can see and share it with the community!
SEEK THE JOY GUIDES: Our guides are LIVE and I couldn’t be more excited! Click here to learn more and get your hands on a little more joy in your life.
RATE & REVIEW: I’d be so grateful if you left us a rating and review on Apple iTunes or wherever it is that you love to #SeekTheJoy! When you do, take a screenshot of your review and send it to sydney@seekthejoypodcast,com and as a token of my appreciation and gratitude for your love and support, I'll send you our brand NEW and IMPROVED #SeekTheJoy Guide for Infusing More Joy into Your Life!
STORIES OF INSPIRING JOY: This series is beautiful and powerful and we want you to be part of it! To learn more and to submit your story, visit the Share Your Story section of our website. Fill out our interest form - and we'll get back to you ASAP.
JOY CORNER: Our interview-style blog series spotlighting inspiring souls, moments that bring you joy, products we love, and so much more. Join our corner of the internet - share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration. Ready to share your light, magic and joy? Get in touch here - a new post in this series goes live on our site every Thursday.
“LESSSONS IN” SERIES: In this new series, we're sharing our reflections on life’s biggest lessons and the joys we find through these experiences - all to create greater connection and community. Every episode features a conversation that will inspire, motivate, and get you thinking- and we can't wait to grow with you. Ready to join us and share a lesson that impacted your life? Fill out our interest form here.
PATREON: We're now on PATREON!! Your support of this podcast means the world. Full of rewards and exclusive content, we can't wait to take this joy journey to the next level. Sing up to be a patron of the podcast here: patreon.com/seekthejoypodcast
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