Ep. 84 A Journey in Bloom with Reyna Noriega

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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

On the podcast this week is Reyna Noriega, an incredible visual artist, photographer, educator and writer who brings her love for diversity and creativity into everything she does.

In her personal work, Reyna seeks to represent the beauty and vibrance of women and fill the world with fine art of said women, so that they can feel represented in those spaces.

Reyna is an incredible light and she’s beyond talented. We first connected in 2018, and it’s been incredible to watch her grow and expand over the last year, and I’m so excited to introduce you all to her passion, joy, and inspiration.

In this week’s new episode we chat about Reyna’s creative and entrepreneurial journey, what it means to give yourself permission to embrace your creative path, and learning to trust our “soul pulls” so that we’re able to shed old layers and allow each experience to lead us down the path we’re meant to take. Reyna shares with us her healing journey, how falling deeply in love with herself in 2019 transformed her life and her art, and the impact of cultivating greater self-love, self-compassion, and self-acceptance. Plus Reyna shares with us the  inspiration behind her new book, “In Bloom”, Pepper (her dog!) and her puppies, what she’s celebrating out loud in 2020, her biggest dream, and so much more!

I always love connecting with Reyna, and I’m so excited to share this inspiring conversation. I couldn’t imagine a better person to be our first interview of 2020, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

It’s only through my self-love journey that I could create the art that I’m creating now. Part of the reason I couldn’t find my artistic style was because of all the noise and expectation of what I should be creating, versus what really resonated with me and with others.
— Reyna Noriega
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For Reyna, art has always been a tool by which she could dive deeper into herself. The joy and clarity it brings her has led her to devote her work to help others heal and find happiness wherever they stand. 

Today, Reyna’s client base is predominantly women and she strives to help them on their journeys to create businesses that are inclusive, conscious, and forward thinking. She lets her culture and experiences as a women shine through in her work in the hopes others can see representation for their experiences and feel empowered.

Her skill sets and background varies widely, the underlying theme for all her need to understand and help others. She received a BA in psychology from Florida International University, a minor in Art and English, taught graphic design and visual arts for 4 years in a public high school. Here she further developed not only her skillset but her passion to teach, motivate and inspire. After that she went on to be a creative director, public and motivational speaker, and then finally a full time illustrator in 2018.

It’s so beautiful and so freeing to create from that space of flow and intention, and to not constantly need outside inspiration. Now, I feel like in many ways I am the muse, what I love about women, and what I want women of color to feel is my inspiration, and
that’s never ending.
— Reyna Noriega

Reyna has always had a knack for weaving compelling stories, and the vulnerability she shares through her writing is inspiring. She published her first book, “Prose & Cons” in June of 2017 and recently released her second book, “In Bloom”.

I’m so grateful that I listened to myself, to my intuition, and I found a way to take those hints that I get from the universe, those gut feelings, as my personal truth and law versus letting fear overtake me, or get lost in overthinking.
— Reyna Noriega

Today, Reyna continues to create, take clients, and publish books that quench her thirst for creativity. 

To learn more about Reyna and her work you can connect with her on Instagram @reynanoriega_ Twitter @reynasnoriega and Pinterest here. You can check out her portfolio at reynanoriega.myportfolio.com and visit her at www.reynanoriega.co. Plus, you can find her new book “In Bloom” here



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