Ep. 71 Summer Energy Forecast and the Magic of Eclipse Season with Astrologer Lauren Hansen
Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!
This week we’re breaking down the energy for Summer 2019 with Astrologer Lauren Hansen, the intuitive and passionate voice behind Astro Betch.
In this week’s episode Lauren breaks down this summer's energy forecast - the solar eclipse on July 2nd, lunar eclipse on July 16th, and Mercury in Retrograde (and more!) What we can expect from this season, what we need to know, how it impacts your chart - and we look at my chart too! We chat about where to start if you’re brand new to astrology, what we can learn from understanding our sun sign, rising sign, and moon sign, and more. Plus, Lauren shares how astrology found her, the impact its had on her life, her biggest dreams, and SO much more!
It was so much fun to have this conversation with Lauren and can’t wait to hear what you think!
Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
P.S. everything shared below came straight from Lauren! Thank you for all of the magic and wisdom and knowledge you shared with us this week!
“When you’re starting out I really suggest diving deep into your sun, moon, and rising sign. Your sun sign is your personality. It’s the best way you shine. Your moon is your subconscious, it’s your deep emotions and what drives your needs. Your rising sign is how you come off to others, it’s the energy you project into the world.”
Birth-charts bring people clarity. You can understand yourself more—from weaknesses to strong suits! And really knowing your chart can help immensely with discovering your purpose. Some of us know our purpose early in life, and that is a blessing, but many of us don’t and this can really help point you in the right direction.
Here’s the thing - birth charts are so much more than your sun sign! Your Sun sign, or zodiac sign, represents how you are consciously—the traits of your Sun sign are things you are familiar with, that come naturally to you and can drive your overall personality. But sometimes people don’t think their Sun sign is really representative of them—and that’s because there is so much more in a full birth-chart! There are aspects that can severely weaken their Sun, for example.
The most important parts of a birth-chart are yes the Sun, but also the moon and the rising sign. The moon drives your subconscious, basically how you are emotionally. The moon is something that comes naturally to you no matter what—it’s who you are when you’re alone, with those your close to, and likely the sign that represents how you were when you were little because you are so tapped into your subconscious when you’re young. The rising sign is your “invisible mask,” that’s why it’s the sign that people usually see you as. So if someone was to guess your sign, this is probably it.
The Sun is important because it shows you how you best shine, how you can express your purpose. The moon is important because it represents your deep emotional needs that never go away, so figuring out how to work with your moon really brings you the most emotional stability. And then the rising sign determines the kinds of journeys you need to take in life, that invisible mask you’re wearing isn’t a front to cover up your Sun and moon, it’s how you react to your immediate environment for a reason. Of course there is also Venus, Mars, Mercury, and so much more.
And then we have houses. Since we don’t have hours and hours on this podcast, I’ll put houses as simply as I can with an example. The sign a planet is in is about STYLE you express the power of the planet, and the house represents WHERE this energy is easily and best expressed.
For example, let’s stick with the sun. Sydney’s Sun is in Aquarius. So as an Aquarius, you shine through expressing new ideas, innovation, your humanitarian concerns, through connecting with the collective! Aquarius’ are open-minded, eager to change the world through thinking outside the box. Now this is so cool, Sydney’s Sun is in the 8th house, and so is mine! The 8th house is all about intimacy, the deep deep truth, taboos, investigating, psychology and rebirth. Honestly - the 8th house is the most complicated but that’s basic idea. When we combine the 8th house and the Sun in Aquarius, we get Sydney! Someone who expresses new ideas/innovations/connecting with the collective by having constant rebirths, diving into investigation, studying psychology, getting truly intimate and learning about taboo subjects.
“Eclipses may bring big changes, but they are always a part of the big picture of where your soul wants to go. TRUST THE SHIFTS that are being thrown at you.”
Let’s talk summer energy and the magic of eclipse season!
As individuals and as a collective consciousness, our souls are getting a big energetic reboot! You can feel this undeniable need to shift your focus onto your EMOTIONAL SECURITY, by figuring out what you truly want to nurture and grow! This is what Cancer is all about, and this is the sign the Solar Eclipse is in on July 2.
Now before we completely dive in, did you know that a solar eclipse is a highly charged new moon? And a lunar eclipse is a highly charged full moon?
Eclipses arrive to help you tap back into your higher self. Your higher self satisfies your soul’s purpose, your highest potential on this planet. The eclipses this summer are re-directing you to reflect and change what you’ve been nurturing in the past, especially the last 6 months. You need to make a big shift, or a big shift will happen to you in this department!
But what makes an eclipse an eclipse? It’s all about the nodes! The North Node and the South Node.
This year, the true North Node is in Cancer, so once this new moon in Cancer was inevitably to come about, it’s aligned with the true north node. This is so special, an eclipse happens when it’s a new or full moon aligned with either of the nodes. But this summer eclipse starts off with a new moon, so we’re talking focus on new beginnings, in a Cardinal sign, all cardinal signs are pros at getting things started, and it’s aligned with not the south node but the north node! The NN represents our karmic destiny, where our highest self wants to go. We even have Uranus, the rebel planet of revolution, positively aspecting this eclipse on July 2. I mean, we are talking new new new x1000!
And incase you’re wondering, the south node, represents our karmic past, old patterns we’ve mastered in past lives that we can feel very comfortable falling into but should avoid in a sense, because we aren’t accomplishing anything new in this lifetime by falling into those patterns.
So we are all, as a collective consciousness, really being pulled to a much more feminine, emotional, nurturing, women-focused direction. The NN went into Cancer in November by the way, and we’ve seen many women’s issues come up between then and now. This will continue until June of next year.
Now, as individuals, this solar eclipse, or new moon eclipse, as we’ve learned is aligning your consciousness and subconscious with Cancer concerns, and Cancer’s main concern is EMOTIONAL SECURITY.
“During the solar eclipse, focus on moving forward in your life by nurturing what your soul is yearning for. ”
First, during the SOLAR ECLIPSE on July 2, you’ll be highly conscious of the need to MOVE FORWARD with your life, you want to change your EMOTIONAL SECURITY by beginning to nurture what your soul is yearning to nurture! I would start questioning how you nurture yourself, others, and projects. This eclipse can have you reflecting on your family (including our ancestry) relationships and your relationship with your home and those in it. Because this is Cancer energy. The sign of your roots. You should feel the most emotionally secure at home and with your family, and the imbalances are really important to address now.
Now remember, this is just THE BEGINNING of the long-term changes for you. Addressing your feelings is just the first step. Now if something happens to you that changes you life in a big way, like getting a new job opportunity, or a family member dying, or you having to move, just know this is all a part of a much bigger plan, the plan that’s trying to get you on track to your soul’s purpose. And take your time if you are the one making changes. But if it’s a change you know you need to make, like breaking up with someone finally, quitting finally, moving, finally, by all means allow yourself to take the leap. Because you probably started feeling this need to move on over a month ago, when Mars and Mercury when into Cancer!
We are at the beginning of a deeply healing journey, HEALING is a big theme for these eclipses too, and by tapping into WHAT WE TRULY WANT TO NURTURE IN OUR LIVES, we will heal.
Other planets are aspecting this solar eclipse of course, and they are pretty much telling us it’s time to LET GO of what society expects of you, what your family or other authorities expect of you. You have BIG DREAMS are they are possible. What your soul yearns to do, the BIG DREAMS you want to turn into reality, are likely not going to be approved of by others. It’s up to you to have the strength to rebel. What’s great is, these aspects help you do just that! There is a lot of brave, bold and rebellious energy in the sky, feeding into you, helping you take a stand for your path!
“We are at the beginning of a deeply healing journey, HEALING is a big theme for these eclipses too, and by tapping into WHAT WE TRULY WANT TO NURTURE IN OUR LIVES, we will heal.”
The LUNAR ECLIPSE in Capricorn on July 16is intense! The energy is similar to the solar eclipse, in that your BIG DREAMS are being supported by Neptune and Jupiter. You’re still ready to put your ideas into action, thanks to Mars and Mercury still aligned in Leo. You’re welcoming change, ready to cause change, because of Uranus aspecting Mercury and Mars…the big difference is, this is a full moon and there is a very heavy aspect to Pluto going down.
So like any full moon, the Sun and moon are opposing each other, causing that conflicting feeling, where you are emotionally needing to satisfy the Capricorn parts on your life, while consciously wanting to satisfy the Cancer parts of your life.
Here’s the thing—the Sun in Cancer is with the true north node, your destiny. This is where you need to really focus. The moon is with the south node, the node of past karma, in Capricorn. This is where you need to let go.
You’ll feel this deep emotional need to hold onto your career, your status, your material security in this life, all represented by Capricorn. And because Pluto is also aligned with the moon and the South node in Capricorn, you will be highly aware of the fears deep in your psyche. This is why I said it will be intense!
You’re being challenged to stay the coarse, to stay focused on WHAT YOU WANT TO NURTURE, not what society expects of you, what status you used to think you needed, how money is the only goal.
So you can see how you this is all about balance, right? You do need material security, but you also need emotional security. You want times of comfort, but you also know you have to put in hard work.
There is a way to find the balance! Something that I’ve been seeing a lot is friends begin to do, is start really getting into creating their own businesses. People are realizing there is a way to have a career in something they care about, allowing them to feel monetarily secure and emotionally! Of course, not all of us are at the point in our lives where we can do that, so find another way to balance. If you have felt like the job you have now is not something you want to stick with, but you don’t want to have your own business, it might be time to start implementing more hobby time, spiritual time, family time into your schedule.
We also chat about Mercury in Retrograde, working with the energy and not fearing it, and what else is going on in the cosmos this summer. You’ll have to tune in to hear more!
We all have our own birth-charts, and the eclipses effect each of us a little differently - make sure to tune in to this week’s episode to hear me break it all down for Sydney’s chart!
In this week’s new episode Lauren shares how astrology found her - and it’s such a cool story! When she was 11 years old, her dad sent her to Maui for a couple weeks, to spend time with one of his oldest friends who is a healer and psychic. She was the one to introduce Lauren to astrology - it wasn’t totally her thing, but she had a feeling Lauren would become obsessed with it, and she was right.
But it really wasn’t until about 2 years ago when Lauren was 25, that she really got into it. Astrology has helped her connect more with myself, and with others. She’s always been that friend everyone comes to with their issues and it’s no coincidence she’s always found psychology fascinating. Astrology became this tool she could use to first help herself and her friends and once she dove in, she realized I could master this cosmic language. And in the end, astrology gave her her purpose. She didn’t even know that astrology seemed so complicated to most people, and it came really naturally to her. Once she saw it helping her friends, she knew wanted to make this her life.
I had the best time connecting with Lauren and I’m so grateful for everything that she shared! This is such a fun conversation - I can’t wait to hear what you think about this one!
If you enjoyed this podcast make sure to share it and tag me on Instagram @seekthejoypodcast so I can see and share it with the community!
To learn more about Lauren and all things astrology you can connect with her on Instagram @astrobetch (and her website is coming soon!) and if you want to get a reading (or just chat all things astrology!) send her a DM or email astrobetch@gmail.com.
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