Ep. 146 Celebrating Four Years of Seek The Joy Podcast!

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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

Today we’re celebrating FOUR YEARS of Seek The Joy Podcast!

Four years! Truthfully, I can’t even believe it.

When I sat down to publish our first episode back in October 2017, I could have never imagined, predicted, or believed where we are today.

I know I say this every year, but this podcast wouldn’t be what it is without you. Thank you for tuning into the show, for sharing it with your friends, and for being here.

In today’s episode I reflect on the last four years of Seek The Joy, what I’m excited about for year five, and I also share an update and what you can expect from me and the podcast in the next few months (big changes are on the horizon, but it’s all good stuff!)

I would love for you to join the celebration! I can’t wait to hear what you think about today’s episode, the impact of vulnerability, joy, and connection in your life, and more! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

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Over the last four years we’ve published over 230 episodes and 145 conversations, I’ve had over 24 conversations for “Lessons In”, and I’ve featured over 293 people on Joy Corner. Like…what?!

In year three we launched our second podcast Stories of Inspiring Joy and since then we’ve featured over 150 people and their incredible stories. How amazing is that? I can’t get over it.

Wait, there’s more! We had our first Seek The Joy Summit in April and all these months later I’m still on cloud nine. Seek The Joy Summit was something I was dreaming of doing since starting the podcast, and I could have never predicted that so many people from around the world would come together in this way. The day was incredible and I can’t wait to do it again.

This year we also introduced our first ever Seek The Joy Summer Series! We came together in community to welcome in the warmth, freshness, and joy of the summer season and it was a total blast. I can definitely see us doing this again next year.

The last four years, this podcast, this community, and the opportunity to connect with you has changed my life. It’s funny, when I think about the Sydney that hit publish on that first episode back in 2017, I don’t even recognize her! I’ve grown so much, I’ve widened my perspective, I see the world through a more wholistic and community minded lens. I have this podcast and this community to thank for that, and there isn’t a day that goes by that I’m not incredibly grateful.

When I think about year four, the word (or words honestly) that come to mind are “joyful resilience”. The last year tested me, it rocked me, it brought me immense sadness but also incredible joy. I learned so much about me.

Truthfully I don’t love the word resilience because in order to know your resilience, it means you have to be tested. Maybe a better way to look at it is that you’re in the arena of life. You’re here, you’re participating, you’re taking risks, you’re letting yourself love and be loved. You have to go through it to know what you’re made of, to understand your own kindness, compassion, and empathy. It also means you’re going to feel hurt, sadness, disappointment and loss.

Over the last year I’ve been sharing conversations that share how we can hold joy, positivity and love at the same time as loss, difficulty and discomfort. I think so much of this life is about figuring out how we can hold all of our emotions and experience at once. These conversations and moments have been powerful for me, and I hope they have been for you too. I shared this in last year’s celebration episode, but I just know that if we can continue to tune into our joy and passion, and be an expression of that, we can have such a large impact on our lives and on the lives of those around us.

I can’t wait to see the inspiring, impactful, and powerful conversations that we share in year five. It’s surreal to even say “year five!” but I’m excited, and I hope you are too.

There’s so much more to these reflections and I hope you’ll tune into to today’s episode. As I shared in our episode, after today’s episode I will be taking the next 2 months off from the podcast. It’s my first hiatus ever, but it’s much needed. I share the reason behind our hiatus in today’s episode, when I’ll be back, and what you can expect when the podcast returns!

Seek The Joy is just getting started, and I’m blown away by the last four years! From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Here’s to powerful storytelling, to powerful conversations to continue to inspire us and empower us, to really doing the work to uplifting one another’s voices, and choosing unapologetically (sometimes with fear!) to step into our vulnerability and courage, all to seek our joy.

While I’ll be taking a (first ever!) hiatus through December, there are so many beautiful conversations to tune back into and revisit.

With love and joy always!

Sydney xx



MERCH: Seek The Joy MERCH is here! Grab your favorite Seek The Joy t-shirt, sweatshirt and mug here

BETTERHELP: Today’s episode is sponsored by Betterhelp. We’re going through challenging times, and we know you’re feeling it too! Now more than ever it’s important we have reliable resources we can turn to. That’s where Betterhelp comes in. 

Betterhelp will assess your needs and match you with your own licensed professional therapist, and it’s easy and free to change counselors if you don’t think the person you’re matched with is a good fit. This service is available for people worldwide too. Betterhelp offers a broad range of expertise in their counselor network. You’ll get timely and thoughtful responses, plus you can schedule weekly video or phone sessions too. 

We want you to be able to live a happier, more joyful, and ease filled life, and I’m excited to share that as a listener of Seek The Joy Podcast, you will you get 10% off your first month by going to betterhelp.com/seekthejoy

Join over one million people taking charge of their mental health with the help of an experienced professional. better help.com/seekthejoy

NEWSLETTER: Are you on the Seek The Joy List? Subscribe to our newsletter today for our weekly updates, exclusive offers, a look behind-the-scenes, and so much more. Subscribe and get on the list here

YOUTUBE: Seek The Joy is now on YouTube! If you’re on YouTube, we would be so grateful if you subscribed to our channel and shared it with your social circle. 

SEEK THE JOY GUIDES: Our guides are LIVE and I couldn’t be more excited! Click here to learn more and get your hands on a little more joy in your life.

RATE & REVIEW: I’d be so grateful if you left us a rating and review on Apple iTunes or wherever it is that you love to #SeekTheJoy! When you do, take a screenshot of your review and send it to sydney@seekthejoypodcast,com and as a token of my appreciation and gratitude for your love and support, I'll send you our brand NEW and IMPROVED #SeekTheJoy Guide for Infusing More Joy into Your Life

STORIES OF INSPIRING JOY: This series is beautiful and powerful and we want you to be part of it! To learn more and to submit your story, visit the Share Your Story section of our website. Fill out our interest form - and we'll get back to you ASAP.

JOY CORNER: Our interview-style blog series spotlighting inspiring souls, moments that bring you joy, products we love, and so much more. Join our corner of the internet - share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration. Ready to share your light, magic and joy? Get in touch here - a new post in this series goes live on our site every Thursday.

“LESSSONS IN” SERIES: In this new series, we're sharing our reflections on life’s biggest lessons and the joys we find through these experiences - all to create greater connection and community. Every episode features a conversation that will inspire, motivate, and get you thinking- and we can't wait to grow with you. Ready to join us and share a lesson that impacted your life? Fill out our interest form here.

Listen now on Apple PodcastsSpotify, YouTube, Podbean Stitcher and more!

Sydney WeissComment