Ep. 144 You Are an Intuitive Dreamer with Athena Laz

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Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!

On the podcast today is Athena Laz, depth psychologist, dream teacher, and 4th generation intuitive.

Her debut book, “Alchemy of Your Dreams: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Art of Lucid Dreaming” is out now!

Having spent over a decade working one-on-one with clients in her practice, she moved online to create her heart’s desire, which translated into www.athenalaz.com.

During her time in practice, she worked extensively with trauma victims, as well as couples and individuals from all walks of life. She trained psychoanalytically with a particular interest in depth psychology. Her love has always been towards the transpersonal and symbolic aspects of life. As a natural intuitive and avid lucid dreamer; she feels the psychological aspects of life must be incorporated with the spiritual aspects of Self.

To disregard one over the other is to be incomplete, and so, with any artful practice of wellness—we look to that which is wholesome—that which is whole.

In today’s episode Athena and I chat about:

  • Why our dreams are significant, what happens when we dream, the role of intention in dreaming, and Athena’s tips for strengthening our ability to recall our dreams

  • The connection between dreams and intuition, why dreaming can uncover the areas in our life where we need help and assistance, and Athena shares how our dreams can help us create a pathway forward

  • Sydney shares a recent dream she had and Athena helps her interpret it, how we can better understand the symbols that appear in our dreams, and the role of dreaming in exploring the world of consciousness

  • Plus, we chat about lucid dreaming, what it feels like, and how it can help us, the connection between dreams and joy, Athena’s biggest dream, and so much more!

I’m so excited to share this week’s new episode with Athena, and I can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!

Dreams are so significant because every night our dreams speak to us personally about where we find ourselves in our lives. They speak to us not just about the present moment but the past and the future.
— Athena Laz
In the modern world we’re really disconnected from our dreams. A lot of the time we view the dream world as something that’s just this crazy thing that happens at night, and then you wake up the next day and that’s your real life. But every single ancient wisdom tradition speaks to dreaming as a pathway to wholeness, wellbeing, connection, and insight.
— Athena Laz

Athena helps thousands of people worldwide to discover the depths of their psyche's and spirit through the medium of dreams, symbols, metaphor and image. That is the language of the soul. She is also an avid lucid dream teacher.

At the end of the day you’re the highest authority of your own dreams. You know what a dream means for you and the more that you explore it, it’s really your own wisdom that’s the most meaningful. I really believe that and so if an interpretation doesn’t sit well, it’s not for you.
— Athena Laz

To connect with Athena visit her website https://www.athenalaz.com on Instagram @athena_laz Twitter @athena_laz. Find out more about her membership program here and you can receive month free with the coupon #seekthejoy through October 1st. Plus you can find her new book The Alchemy of Your Dreams here



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