Ep. 41 Am I On The Right Path?
Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday! This week is a SOLO episode and I'm chatting all about the soundtrack that's been playing in my mind over and over again.
Am I on the right path?
Am I doing the right thing?
Did I make the right choice?
Am I on the right track with where I'm supposed to be in my life?
Am I making the right choices?
Am I surrounding myself with the right people?
Am I in the right place?
Did I make a mistake not doing x, y, or z?
Should I have done x, y, or z?
Did I make a wrong turn somewhere?
What am I even doing?
. . . This is pretty much the soundtrack that's been playing in my head non-stop over the last several months, and I'm sure this all sounds pretty familiar to you too.
We all fear that if we make the wrong choice, the wrong decision, or the wrong turn, we'll fall off track.
On Sunday morning while I was journaling it occurred to me - there's really no such thing as a misstep, or a misdirection, or being off track.
What if I were to tell you that there was more than one path, more than one track, set out for you in this lifetime?
What if every road that's paved in front of you, is paved with a specific intention and purpose, based on the choices that your soul makes? Based on the choices that you make in any given moment?
When your path changes, when something shifts – you get fired or you just can’t get hired, or your relationship ends, whatever the situation might be – the fact that you’re now on what feels like a different path, doesn’t mean that you’ve been thrown off track.
It actually means that you are exactly on track, you are exactly where you are meant to be, based on the changes and the choices you’ve made that have resulted in your growth. That have resulted in new opportunities.
You are, I am, we are - all exactly where we are supposed to be – even if that doesn’t feel good, or comfortable, or like we’re on the right path.
Anytime your path shifts and changes, it's a gift. How you choose to respond to these changes – is the biggest gift of them all, because you are in charge of your growth, you are in charge of your destiny.
Don't fear the missteps.
Don't fear being off track.
Don't fear the roadblocks.
Because without each of them, you wouldn't have the chance to know who you are, who you want to be, and how you want to show up in this world.
Don’t fear the growth.
Don’t fear the exploration.
Because without the lessons and the growth that comes with every path, every hardship, and every celebration, how would you even know if you’re on the right or wrong path?
. . . This week's episode is a message that I've been dying to share. Celebrate the steps that you've taken to get you where you are today, celebrate the path you're on. You never know where it might lead you . . .
Image found on Pinterest.
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