Sarah V. Bondzie - Founder, Bonne Vue (BVE) Eye Vitamins

Sarah V. Bondzie


Sarah V. Bondzie is a Pre-Med Student at Temple University, on her way to becoming an Optometrist, and the Founder of Bonne Vue (BVE) Eye Vitamins.

BVE is catered to vision health and whitening the sclera. Under the supervision of a Pharmacist, Sarah has created a product for vision health that will aid to reduce inflammation, improve vision, and develop a whiter sclera over time.

Sarah is truly passionate about bringing vision to the masses, especially underprivileged populations. A third of the world’s population needs glasses but lack access to affordable eye-care. For every bottle purchased, 7 out of the 37 BVE capsules will go to underprivileged areas around the world that lack vision testing and have a high percentage of uncorrected vision. Those 7 capsules alone will provide an individual with a one-week supply of nutrients vital for the eyes and overall health.

BVE supplements help maintain vision and eye health, and Sarah is partnering with many international missionary organizations in areas like Gambia, Ghana, Bali, Nigeria, Haiti, Singapore, and Bangladesh. Their main goal is to one build clinics in these rural areas. I’m so excited for you guys to connect with Sarah, check out her work with BVE, and follow along as she continues to use her passion to share about her optometry journey and deep understanding of the impact our vision has on our overall health and wellbeing.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

My name is Sarah V. Bondzie. I am a pre-med student at Wilmington University and the founder of Bonne Vue (BVE) eye vitamins. BVE eye vitamins are supplements that help replenish vital nutrients that aids in protecting the eye and brightens the sclera. We are just two months away before launching BVE in January 2020 and honestly I am so excited to see the love it will receive. My team and I have been working extremely hard to make sure that not only will you get the best results, but we also want this product to be the best on the market! A cool fact about BVE is that it is made out of 100% natural ingredients.

How did you get started?

Bonne Vue was a lifestyle of protection way before it became an eye vitamin. It was shown throughout my everyday life. I would purposely wear sunglasses before stepping outside because I didn’t want my eyes to ruin from the good old sun rays. To tell you the truth, I now have about twenty-five pairs! It was I, mixing up herbs at home to cure a virus naturally. It was I, making sure to always update my glasses prescription whenever I got the chance too. I thought about all of these factors and all of it aligned to Optometry. I then took what I knew and combined it with my Dads knowledge.

What inspired the work that you're doing?

Once I started working one on one with Optometrist as a medical scribe, I realized their wasn’t much prescribed in regards to vitamins. Knowing me, I had to find ways on a more natural approach to recommend whoever I meet with an eye issue. Wether that consisted of me going home from a day of work and researching way to treat dry eye or inflammation of the eye, I was truly committed. Over time, I’ve accumulated enough information in my studies and within my neuroscience major to produce a natural formula catered to protecting the eye and providing the vital nutrients to maintain the health of ones eye. Some of the benefits associated with BE eye vitamins are: eye hydration, vision loss reduction, reduced inflammation, and a brighter sclera over time! I made sure to incorporate daily health essentials to more so make it suitable for a multivitamin. One of the main ingredients in BVE is Goji Berry. Goji berries can help vision because they contain high levels of healthy antioxidants, especially zeaxanthin. The same antioxidants can also stop damage from: UV light, free radicals, and oxidative stress. Did I forget to mention, they taste delicious!

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion involves with medical missionary work. I’ve been surrounded by it most of my life. As a woman who comes from a family of medical professionals, my Stepdad always incorporated his time by volunteering in a foreign country. My Mother often joined him from time to time and the last place they went to was Nigeria. They saw over 2,000 patients a day with a team of over 250 people. It was so amazing to me and till this day this it is the forefront of what makes me want to help people all over the world, particularly with their vision. Vision goes a long way, mentally and physically! When I stepped in the realm of optometry, I just knew I was doing the right thing.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I receive joy from the peace I’m able to receive within. I know that if I’m at peace, I can then offer it to others. I know that if I’m overall well and whole, I can then offer it to others. This has shown entirely in my marriage, friendships, and business partners. Energy is alive and it influences the ones around you. There are certain places that give me that fuels the ignition per say, and I’d say a view of open land, the ocean, and sky scrapers will do the trick.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

Praying is the reason I am able to live intentionally. It’s how I gather my thoughts and rightful decisions. I am able to go about my day with a confidence and aura that I feel can only be brought about by me speaking to God. And I pray just about everywhere. My favorite spot would be the shower believe it or not. After a long day I could just unwind and wash all the worries, anxiety, and doubts away. 

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Wow, I cannot even imagine but I’ve always felt in my heart to do or be a part of something greater than myself. I’ve always had a calling placed in my heart to be a vessel of hope, joy, and peace. In life, I feel like there aren’t many surprises as to what you’ll end up doing. Somewhere deep inside, you know what your passionate about. It just takes time for life to reveal itself as to where your passion will be fulfilled.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

Definitely! “For with God, nothing shall be impossible”. – John 3:30

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream would to be a graduate of “Pennsylvania College Of Optometry) and to own a private practice that can in return branch out to countries in the world that don’t have access to vision care. In my heart I am truly passionate about philanthropy and I’d love to incorporate it in every aspect of my life.

To learn more about Sarah and her work visit her on Instagram @sarahvbondzie @mybonvue and on Facebook @mybonvue

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