Sarah Sax - Write For The Job

Sarah Sax


Sarah Sax is the founder and CEO of Write For The Job, a company dedicated to revamping your resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn profile so that you can find a job that makes you happy. Write For The Job helps you present your best self through your professional materials and takes all the stress away. Sarah has this incredible way of honing in on who you are and making sure that your voice and talents shine through. She is thorough, professional, and efficient and it’s been really wonderful to watch her grow both personally and professionally over the last year.

Write For The Job started when her friends approached her to take a look at their professional materials. She realized that we all could use a little help polishing our materials and allowing our best selves to shine through. The truth is applying to jobs can be incredibly daunting (been there) and the opportunity to have someone like Sarah in your corner is truly a game changer. For Sarah, it’s been incredibly rewarding helping people craft their professional brand to capture both their talents and personality to land a job that makes them happy.

Sarah was on the podcast in 2018 (episode 42!) and I’m so excited to feature her on Joy Corner. It’s always so wonderful to connect with someone who radiates so much joy into everything that they do, and Sarah is no exception. I’m so grateful that Sarah has become a good friend over the last year, and I can’t wait for you guys to follow along and learn more!

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

I'm Sarah Sax, a curious, ambitious, and fun-loving 20-something who made the (questionable) decision of trading in California palm trees for the snow-covered New York Central Park. The coast-to-coast transition sparked a realization that led to the foundational theory of my business: if more people had jobs that made them happy, the world would be a kinder and friendlier place. People would be in a better mood. We would communicate with each other nicely. There would be more positive energy to go around. It's a little naive, sure. But man is it true! With this in mind, I created Write For The Job, a company dedicated to revamping your resume, cover letter, and Linkedin profile so you can land a job that makes you happy

How did you get started?

My friends were the inspiration. They're smart, talented, and capable people who quizzically had challenges getting job interviews. Being the grammar freak that I am (and also a journalism-trained storyteller), I offered to take a look at their resume, cover letter, and Linkedin profile to see if there were small tweaks to be made. I was dumbfounded as to how lackluster their professional materials were and how it didn't showcase how amazing they truly are. Working with them to polish their materials helped them secure job interviews and land positions at companies they were eyeing for a while. It taught me that even the most put-together and accomplished people still have trouble presenting themselves professionally and need help landing a job that makes them happy. 

What inspired the work that you're doing?

I've noticed that people are really amazing, but they just don't know how to articulate why. That's a critical element of selling yourself when you're applying for jobs. It's incredibly rewarding helping people craft their professional brand to capture both their talents AND personality to land a job that makes them happy. Getting that email or text from a client saying they feel more confident putting themselves out there professionally is one of the best feelings. It not only motivates me to keep going, but it's a reminder that the more people who are happier, the bigger impact we can have on society.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I wouldn't say I have a single passion. Many things excite me, but one of the biggest is learning from the people I encounter. Everyone has something to teach, something to say, and something unique about them. When you can connect with another person through conversation and genuine curiosity, it will add value to your life and hopefully to theirs, too. 

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Wow, SO many things. On a professional level, hearing that my clients feel more confident tackling the grueling job hunt and landing a job they didn't think they could...that definitely brings me joy. On a day-to-day basis, the warmth of standing outside in the sun on a crisp New York Fall day; a spontaneous call/text from a friend I haven't heard from in a while who is just checking in; a really good hug; dancing, definitely dancing; and on a similar note, music. 

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I have a "quotes" note on my phone that keeps me in the right head space. One of my favorites is by Arianna Huffington. She says, "Our attention is the fuel that drives our lives. No matter what people say about what they value, what matters is where they put their attention." This is my reminder to live with intention in all that I do. Time is a scarce commodity, so I'm a color-coded scheduling maniac (in what I hope is the best possible way). I choose to spent time with people who lift me up, who make me laugh, and who provide emotional support but also give me the kick in the butt I know I need sometimes. I make time at least once a week for passions I have like writing poetry. And I schedule 2-3 workout classes per week, which is my time to focus on strengthening my mental and physical self. 

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Hopefully impressed, but definitely surprised! What I was 150% certain I would be when I "grew up" is not what I'm doing now, but I still love and enjoy my job and day-to-day accomplishments. 

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

I don't have a mantra, but I do try to live life with curiosity, wonder, and awe. It opens my eyes to a lot more of the world's excitement than I think I would see otherwise. 

What is your biggest dream?

The dream is constantly evolving and morphing into new visions, but the underlying current is happiness. As long as I'm laughing and enjoying life's moments, that's living the dream. 

To learn more about Sarah and Write For The Job you can sign up for her monthly e-newsletter with tips to sharpen your professional materials (and special offers) here and check her out on Facebook @WriteForTheJobNow and Instagram @smsax and via email



Joy Corner is a new interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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