Manda Gannon - Ancient Vibrations

Manda Gannon


Manda Gannon is a certified practitioner teaching others the importance of energy (frequencies and vibrations), how to release suppressed & dense energies/emotions to consciously create the life we desire. Sharing her methods to the world, through energy guidance/shifting, healing with sound frequencies, biofield fork tuning and ancient healing practices.

Offering a unique perspective that fully embodies the metaphysical, physical, and spiritual world. By combining the science of energy and spirituality, Manda is dedicated to empowering the world to step into their power, claiming their birthright to consciously create.

I’m excited for you to connect with Manda, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to work with others to enhance their quality of life through energy and vibration.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

I’m so excited to be here, thank you for having me. My name is Manda Gannon and I am an energy healer. I use ancient methods, sounds, and frequencies to help release any dense or stagnant energy that is blocking you from living your best life. Right now, I'm really dedicated in helping guide others to learn how to harness the power of their energy to consciously create the life they are craving.

How did you get started?

I am very blessed to have been born and raised by a mother who had just had her own awakening, so when she had me, I was really brought up with the proper installments of holistic healing, thinking, and beliefs. Although, I was NOT always wanting to hear it, be a part of it, or always agree with her beliefs, I was very lucky to be introduced to this way of life from the start. BUT to be honest, Not until I had my first son was I ready to embark on the journey myself to guide and teach. I believe I had to go through my own journey taking my experience and hardships, transforming them to work in my favor.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

I have had my own troubles, hardships and experiences where I was in a really dark place. Being able to become consciously aware of how energy works, I was determined to share the wisdom and knowledge that we all have installed deep down, but have forgotten. 

I want you to remember your power. I want you to reclaim your birthrights and I want you to live a happy thriving life. When the pandemic hit, a lot of that was jeopardized. It was the absolute perfect time to bring awareness and healing in such a dire time in need. 

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I'm passionate about people, their feelings, their emotions, ultimately if they are o.k.. Every since I could remember, I was deeply affected by the trauma of others. I felt their pain, I wanted nothing more than to have them feel h. I now have the opportunity to offer healing techniques that are so profound, that you align with the vibrations and energy you want to attract.

So, I do feel I am living my passion. I love humans, I love mother earth. I love the collective. When you thrive, I thrive, and when you thrive, the collective thrives. Being able to offer a space to heal and release to take place is nothing short of a blessing. I am truly honored to be a part of the healing journey. Its truly remarkable to witness the growth of the soul that I help guide.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My joy blueprint is being right here, right now. I am madly in love with my life, my family and my calling. My joy blueprint is being alive. To fully enjoy this life.I know that this world and people have been on overdrive, pushed to the limit. BUT it is an absolute blessing to be here right now, to be a part of this collective ascension. It is absolutely possible to live with extraordinary health, wealth and joy. Regardless of popular belief, it is absolutely realistic for your body and mind to be filled with unconditional love and happiness. I hope I can spark that knowing within you. If I have been able to contribute to YOUR joy, I feel I have done my job and that makes me feel alive.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

To live intentionally is to live in the present moment. To live intentionally, you must take care of your energetic body so you can ensure the connection to your higher self, for the clear intentional messages and guidance. When your energetic body is aligned, your more likely to hear and act upon divine guidance, aligning you to beneficial situations, opportunities and blessings that support you and your hearts desires.

Someone with a lower vibrational frequency is less likely to connect to their true heart's desires and intentions, making it harder to act upon diving guidance and action.

Create self-care practices or rituals for yourself. Something that you can quiet your mind and connect to your higher self. Practice gratitude and being in the present moment. Often, taking a rest day is more productive then trying to push yourself to get everything done. 

When you are in the present moment, feeling gratitude, you send out high vibrations to the collective, and what you send out, comes back to you. So try to be consciously aware of your thoughts, beliefs and self talk.

Your thoughts become choose the good ones.

Luckily, I am able to take advantage of my wide set of healing tools weather it be tuning forks (to help remove dense energy, or any anxiety or blocks I may be feeling) or my crystal sound bowls to help surface anything that is no longer serving me, Its so important to take care of our energetic bodies. So anytime I feel imbalanced, I understand there is an imbalance in my energetic body. I try to take care of it sooner then later because often undealt with dense energies can manifest into something physical.

I often like to visit nature to stay grounded and mindful, walking barefoot on the earth “earthing” by absorbing the electromagnetic energies from mother earth. 

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Oh, my goodness….you turned out just like your mother. AND I AM HAPPY AND PROUD to be able to follow her remarkable footsteps.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

Yes, its actually an ancient Hawaiian healing technique based around forgiveness and unconditional love towards self and the collective. I teach intensive 1:1 private sessions and group workshops around this ancient healing practice, Ho’oponopono. Its four simple yet powerful statements.

I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you.

What is your biggest dream?

I'm simple, I love life. I am easily entertained and amused. My biggest dream would be to be able to fully commit to honoring myself in this life journey. Im truly enjoying the ride…as simple as it may be to others…Whether it be guiding and helping others, being of service, as long as I honor myself and my passions, I know my dreams will follow. Im going to continue to stay in the present moment, enjoy the blessings in my everyday life, continue to be of service and follow my heart's desires. To fully enjoy this life embracing the ups and downs, that to me is what it's all about. My dream is simple. I want to contribute to the world in a positive way while being madly in love with my life.

To learn more and connect with Manda check out her website and on Instagram @ancient__vibrations and TikTok @ancient__vibrations and via email

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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