Lynsi Eastburn, (MA, BCH) - Creator of HypnoFertility
Lynsi Eastburn, (MA, BCH)
Photo Credit: Tim Gillies
For over 20 years, author and board certified hypnotherapist, Lynsi Eastburn, (MA, BCH) has been helping people globally in their pre-pregnancy and pregnancy journeys. Lynsi is the founder and creator of HypnoFertility, and owns her own private practice and training facility, HypnoFertility International.
Through her work in hypnosis, Lynsi helps bring balance to the spiritual and physical worlds and guides babies to their mothers. HypnoFertility is an innovative program created to help those struggling with infertility. Doctors and fertility clinics worldwide support her program, including Dr. William Kiltz and Dr. Maribelle Verdialez from CNY Fertility, Dr. Mark Bush from Conceptions Reproductive Associates, and Dr. Dorothee Struck from Precious Pregnancies - Germany. In 2003, Lynsi expanded her practice and began to train others in her methods. Thus was the creation of 3Keys® HypnoFertility training.
Lynsi has been featured nationally on Lifetime Television Network, ABC and CBS News, on national and international radio programs including KOSI After Dark and has been a guest on Toronto’s Breakfast Television and Canada’s @Home morning show. Her latest book, Waiting in the Wings: Introducing the Pink StarLights, shares the journey of unborn babies looking for their mothers, and the revised edition released on May 24, 2022.
I’m excited for you to connect with Lynsi, check out her work and impact, and follow along as she continues to teach others her own techniques to help those struggling with infertility to increase their chances for a healthy baby(ies).
I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.
Hi! I’m Lynsi Eastburn. For more than 20 years I’ve been helping women to get pregnant using a method I developed called HypnoFertility. 3Keys HypnoFertility has recently become its official name. I am based in the Denver, Colorado area, but I have a global practice and work with private clients exclusively online these days. I have a master’s degree in depth psychology, and I’m a board-certified hypnotherapist and instructor, as well as an intuitive empath and energy worker. I’ve been in the healing arts field since the early ’90s and I love everything about it.
I have written three books based on my work. The first, It’s Conceivable – Hypnosis for Fertility, introduces HypnoFertility as a valid treatment option for those struggling with infertility. I talk about hypnosis—how it works and how it can help. I include a few case studies which outline some of the techniques I use with clients, some of the issues I’ve worked with and their outcomes. This book came out in 2006, but with continued advancements in fertility technology, constant shifts in how things are approached medically, all the new insights and information coming out, and the availability of many more treatment options for patients, my work was changing, evolving rapidly. In 2017 I decided to revise It’s Conceivable to reflect these changes and provide the most current information.
In the early days of HypnoFertility, women who had received devastating news from their doctors regarding their chances of getting pregnant would come to see me and repeatedly say the same thing: “I just know there is a baby there.” I always believed them, always honored their gut feelings. I could sense these babies, I knew they were there too, and I incorporated this into my clients’ sessions. I’ve always walked between the worlds of science and spirit—both are essential for healthy balance of mind, body, and spirit, and this especially applies to infertility. As time went by, the spirit baby part of my work became more prevalent, and that’s the focus of my second book – The 3 Keys to Conception, Pregnancy Against All Odds. Here, I delve further into spiritual fertility, share spirit baby insights, talk about the significance of Divine Feminine, and discuss the necessary healing and transformation of the planet and how it all relates.
My third book, Waiting in the Wings, Introducing the Pink StarLights, focuses on a new generation of spirit babies who are coming into the world at this time. These babies are powerful lightworkers who emit a distinct energy signature and whose vibrational frequency resonates only with certain human beings. They have a unique purpose, and they choose their parents accordingly. I’ve been working almost exclusively with the Pink StarLights, as they call themselves, for several years now. Not all spirit babies are the same, they have various paths to follow and purposes to fulfill, and some come through more easily than others. Pink StarLight parents, I’ve discovered—mothers especially— tend to experience a difficult and lengthy fertility journey. This book addresses why that is necessary, explains the Pink StarLights’ purpose, and shares their message with the world. It also includes several Pink StarLight-specific hypnosis journeys.
So, at this point, I have published the three books I mentioned and will continue to write more. I work with private clients, I offer several group programs, and I teach my professional 3Keys® HypnoFertility certification class. I’ve also revised my original hypnosis-based birthing method, this version co-created with my awesome colleague Hayley Middleton, as 3Keys® HypnoBirth. 3Keys HypnoBirth is available to clients who want to use hypnosis for more comfortable, peaceful childbirth and pleasant postpartum transition, addresses the unique needs of previous fertility clients, and there is also a certification program for professionals.
How did you get started?
I’ve been working in the healing arts for nearly 30 years, studying them for much longer than that. Initially, I began with practicing and teaching Reiki. I eventually became certified as a hypnotherapist and started my own private practice in Chicago. I then met my husband at a hypnosis conference and soon after relocated to Denver and joined his hypnosis practice. In 2001, we opened a training facility together. I was still teaching Reiki and other forms of energy healing, but that quickly shifted as I was drawn more and more into the field of hypnosis. Almost immediately after I began seeing clients in Denver, my fertility specialty began to emerge.
Early on, a woman who had a needle phobia and was having a really hard time with IVF came in to see me. She’d already had a failed cycle and that had only compounded her fear of needles. Hypnosis is well recognized for its efficacy in releasing fears or phobias which is what initially brought her in. After her first session with me though, this client had what she called a night-and-day response—no more problems with the injections, plus she felt in a much better mood despite all the medications that had been wreaking havoc on her, she felt more optimistic, and she didn’t have any pain with procedures that had bothered her before. She decided to continue working with me throughout the rest of the cycle, and though she’d been unable to conceive in any way before, this time she got pregnant with triplets.
At the same time, I had other women coming in to see if I could help them to get pregnant—many of them having been given a zero per cent chance from medical specialists of ever having a baby. I was able to help them as well. Many of these women were getting pregnant naturally even after being told they were not candidates for IVF, and others were accepted for medical treatment which had previously been denied.
Hypnosis wasn’t associated with fertility back then, but it was well recognized for its positive effects on stress and anxiety, as well as for pain control, relieving various phobias, and myriad other issues that also create or result from fertility struggles. I’d helped many people with those issues and was also working with hypnosis for childbirth. Having experienced firsthand how effective hypnosis was in those areas, I knew fertility hypnosis warranted serious attention.
At that time, there was little to no information available on hypnosis to enhance fertility, for patients or for hypnotherapists. There was no mention of it in the infertility books I scoured, nor was it included in recommendations for fertility-supportive modalities such as acupuncture, meditation, and nutrition. From a professional standpoint, there was no training, no fertility-specific hypnosis material available for those who might want to pursue this avenue of practice. I ended up creating my HypnoFertility process completely from scratch and that was the start of my HypnoFertility specialty.
From there, I started receiving requests to teach HypnoFertility to others. I put together a training and, before I knew it, was teaching all over the world. Not long after that, I started writing books so I could share more about HypnoFertility and spirit babies with those drawn to this subject.
All my life I’ve had enormous compassion for those unable to have a baby. I’ve always loved babies, and I came into this world deeply concerned that some women who truly wanted a baby might be unable to have one. That’s not something you’d expect a little kid to worry about, but I certainly did. It was a really big deal to me, I thought about it a lot. One day, when I was nine years old, I was riding in the back of my parents’ car when a life-changing announcement came on the radio. The first “test tube” baby had been born in England. I listened to the news in awe, a huge sense of relief flooding through me. “Now,” I thought to myself, “any loving woman who wants a baby will be able to have one.” That is one of my clearest memories.
I’m sure this set the stage for where I am now. I seem to have had a pretty good sense of my life purpose from the moment I arrived on the planet, so I think it was inevitable that I would do something along these lines. And 20 years after that radio announcement, there I was, literally working with my original concern and doing something to help. Something I never could have imagined but that was so incredibly fulfilling. Something that warmed my heart and brought me such joy. I embraced HypnoFertility and dedicated myself to getting it out there. To helping as many people as I possibly could.
Now, it’s been more than 40 years since I heard that radio announcement and here I am.
What Inspired the work you’re doing?
The love I have for my two sons is my biggest inspiration. I am blessed to be a mother and I treasure my kids—they are everything to me. They are the reason I do what I do. I have accomplished many things in my life, but it is the tremendous love I have for my boys that is most fulfilling, that inspires me every single day. I am expecting a grandson now, my very own Pink StarLight, and that inspires me even more. I can only imagine the pain of not being able to have the children your heart so desperately desires. People suffer terribly. I am fortunate to know firsthand what it is to have kids, and it’s why I am so committed to helping others experience this joy.
What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?
My biggest passion is being a mother myself and helping others to realize this dream. I’m also passionate about bringing the worlds of science and spirit together to help heal infertility. This is my purpose, and I am absolutely living my passion.
What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?
Working with my private clients really energizes me, I just love it. My clients are amazing people and it’s such a pleasure to get to know them. To help them not only to energetically connect with their babies, but also to physically bring their babies into the world. I love receiving text messages or emails announcing, “I’m Pregnant!”, or seeing tears of pure joy when my clients share the news with me in person. This work is not easy, but it is rewarding. There is often a lot of pain in the beginning, a lot of healing that needs to happen. I appreciate being able to hold the space for my clients as they navigate their individual fertility journeys. Seeing what unfolds for each one, hearing about things they’ve discovered, watching them reclaim their lives, and supporting them in whatever way they need, is truly remarkable. Noticing even the subtlest shifts and changes from one session to the next, knowing what loving parents they’ll be… Just being part of the magic that is to have a baby—nothing else compares. I can’t imagine a more fulfilling experience.
How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?
I am what’s considered a lifelong learner. I love to learn—anything and everything. So, I am constantly reading, my house is overflowing with books. When I am unable to sit and read a book because I have other things to do, I’ll often have an audiobook playing as I tend to whatever I need to. Fiction or non-fiction, it doesn’t matter. I love a good story and enjoy anything that stimulates my imagination. I’m easily intrigued and like to explore things I find interesting. This is an essential part of me, and as long as I honor it, I stay pretty grounded. I have two dogs and they help me to be mindful. My husband and I walk them every night and they look so forward to it. The joy they take in something so relatively simple is inspiring and a great everyday reminder to appreciate life the way they do. I do meditate, ideally every day. That really helps keep me balanced. I love candles and I like to use them to set and focus intentions. I also love bubble baths, to me there’s no better way to dissolve tension, cleanse energy, or just pleasantly relax. There are lots of ways to live intentionally, to be mindful, to stay grounded. These are some of my favorites.
What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?
My younger self would LOVE it! She came into this world worried about women being unable to have their babies, and I found a way to do something about it. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?
Yes. Everything is exact and correct. Everything is always as it needs to be, even if we aren’t thrilled with the way things are sometimes. It’s easier to appreciate that everything is exact and correct when everything is the way we want it to be, but it’s important to realize that it applies in all circumstances. We’ve all experienced a time when we’ve looked back on something with relief that it didn’t happen the way we wanted it to at the time. This is the essence of everything is exact and correct. It is to go with the flow, to trust the Universe, to know that if something doesn’t seem to go our way, it’s not supposed to. We need to be open and receptive to the gifts of the Universe.
What is your biggest dream?
My biggest dream is to make a meaningful contribution to the healing of the planet. That’s a big part of the Pink StarLights’ mission, and in helping them to connect with loving parents, helping women who have such a deep desire to have a baby get pregnant, and helping people to create the families they’ve always wanted. I can truly say I am living my dream.
To connect with Lynsi and learn more visit her website Facebook: hypnofertility and Instagram: lynsi.eastburn and her books are available on Amazon
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