Lisa Gallo - Marketer & Mental Health Blogger, Adventures and Anxiety

Lisa Gallo


Lisa Gallo is a spirited marketer and the mental-health blogger behind Adventures & Anxiety. Lisa created Adventures & Anxiety in October 2018 as an outlet for her good and bad days, and as a resource for those living with anxiety, too.

At the age of 19, Lisa was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. Since then, she’s tried going to therapy, googling treatments, taking prescription medications, meditation . . . she’s tried everything to kick her anxiety and panic attacks too the curb. Today, she can proudly say that while her anxiety will always be part of her life, she’s refused to allow it to become her entire life. She’s found peace.

Through sharing her honest experiences and what’s worked for her on her blog, Lisa’s been able to connect with others and support them in their journey, By being vulnerable, Lisa is also part of an important, honest, and much needed conversation surrounding breaking the stigma around our mental health.

I’m so excited for you guys to connect with Lisa, check out blog, and follow along as she continues to openly share her experiences to remind others that they’re not alone, all while normalizing the conversation around anxiety, depression, and mental health.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

I’m Lisa! Born, raised and current resident of the Sunshine State, I’m a spirited marketer by day and mental-health blogger by night. Most importantly, I’m a newlywed, dog mom, daughter, sister, aunt and friend. I created my blog adventures & anxiety in October 2018 to serve as a resource for others struggling with anxiety and to help break the stigma around mental health. It has quickly become my passion project.

How did you get started?

I’ve always enjoyed writing and even had my own baseball blog (big Yankees fan over here!) in the early 2000s. I have hundreds of notes on my iPhone as a way of journaling when I don’t have a notebook nearby. Basically, I’ve been documenting my story and my feelings for years, but had never shared it with anyone. 

Battling Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder for most of my life, I’ve worked hard not just to get by with these illnesses, but also to thrive with them. On World Mental Health Day 2018, I shared my story in my first public blog post … And the rest, as they say, is history!

What inspired the work that you're doing?

The ups and downs of my mental health journey sparked the work that I’m doing with adventures & anxiety … But, what inspired me to truly pursue this passion of mine? The positive impact it has had on others. 

 As soon as my blog went live, hundreds of people including family members, friends, friends of friends, classmates from as early as middle school, colleagues, and even strangers, began to open up to me about their unique stories. I realized by simply starting the conversation, I was supporting others by allowing them to feel less alone – by normalizing the feelings around anxiety, depression and panic. What really blew me away was the number of people I spend time with regularly that had been dealing with these struggles for so long ... and yet, I had no idea. It really brought the level of shame/stigma around mental health disorders to light for me.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is to stand for something that will make a positive difference in this world, even if that difference is small. Honestly, I think I’ve just scratched the surface on living my passion and purpose. I feel that this is the beginning—while I have defined my why, I know there are more steps I can and will take to fulfill me day-in and day-out, and also positively impact others. While I’m not 100% sure what that looks like just yet, I can confidently say that I feel closer as each day passes.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Simply put, building meaningful relationships makes me feel the most alive. From my day job to my blogging hobby, connecting with others through deep conversation, support, and kindness is what gets me up every day. Everyone has a story, and I’m here to encourage and listen to everyone to tell his or hers.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

While it has taken years for me to identify what living with intention means, I can now proudly say that I’ve figured out how to do so (well, for the most part!). Every choice I make—from what time I wake up, to the food I eat, to how I spend my free time—has intention behind it. 

My morning routine of movement (a workout or simply walking my dog), mindfulness (no social media or email until after exercise), and a blood-sugar-balancing green smoothie is the key for me to stay grounded. I travel a lot for work and for personal reasons (the “adventures” in adventures & anxiety!), so I do my best to keep this routine going while I’m on the road. If I can’t, it’s the first thing I do when I get home.

Meditation is a great tool, but truthfully, I’m not the best at it. When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I use the app Insight Timer for 10-15 minutes of guided meditation – Sarah Blondin is my favorite! It brings me back to the present moment.

My support system is the most important tool in my toolbox, the most significant resource in my life. I have the best family, friends, and have worked some amazing therapists, that allow me to lean into them hard when I need it – and without judgment or shame. Getting vulnerable with the amazing people in my life keeps me sane.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

I’d like to think that my younger self would be proud of where I am now. Also, I wish my younger self had the knowledge I do now! There were so many question marks in my life, especially regarding my mental health, that I was so clueless about until just a few years ago … I think I could have been an impactful resource to my younger, struggling self, and that’s really cool to recognize.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

There are so many quotes out there that I turn to for inspiration, but I find myself always coming back to one: two steps forward, one step back.

My first therapist explained to me that living with anxiety was constantly taking two steps forward, and then one step back … There will always be setbacks in this life, but those do not erase the work put in and progress made. If I have an anxious day or even suffer from a panic attack—which still happens to me!—I always come back to this mantra, and it reminds me that I can and will push through and move forward.

What is your biggest dream?

Even though public speaking gives me anxiety (go figure, LOL), my biggest dream is to speak on the topic of how to live and thrive despite mental illnesses such as anxiety and panic. I dream of making a bigger impact in this space.

I also dream of starting a healthy family of my own, complete with a couple of dogs, too!

To learn more about Lisa and Adventure and Anxiety visit her blog and on Instagram @adventuresandanxiety Facebook @adventuresandanxiety

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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