KT Maschler - Digital Marketing Specialist & Podcast Producer

KT Maschler

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Born and raised a Jayhawk, KT attended the University of Kansas, and graduated with a marketing degree from the school of business in 2019. Currently, she is a marketing assistant and podcast engineer/producer for Blue Tangerine.

KT found her love for podcasting through the podcast ‘My Favorite Murder‘ by Karen Killgariff and Georgia Hardstark. After binging all the episodes she began to branch out and explore the podcast platforms. In other words, she found the vast world of podcasting to be fascinating, and loved the ability to find a podcast about pretty much anything you can imagine. She jumped at the opportunity to become a sound engineer and producer for the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. As a result, KT quickly fell headfirst into the podcasting world.

Then, she started The Quest for New Inspiration at a time when she needed some inspiration herself. KT’s goal is to share inspirational stories from all types of people, in hopes of inspiring anyone that presses play. By sharing this podcast, she is challenging herself to improve her confidence, while also growing her podcasting and networking skills.

I’m excited for you to connect with KT, check out her work and podcast, and follow along as she continues to discover and share the stories of all types of inspirational people.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi, my name is KT Maschler, and I am a digital marketing specialist and podcast producer for Blue Tangerine, a Home Building Website Management company. Currently, my passion outside of work is my personal podcast The Quest for New Inspiration, where I interview all different types of people about their own inspirational story.

How did you get started?

I got started in the world of podcasting by first being introduced to the podcast My Favorite Murder. I quickly fell in love with the platform and the ability the hosts had to connect directly with their audience. Once I got my marketing degree from the University of Kansas I found a home at Blue Tangerine to help grow and test my skills as a marketer. Then, Blue Tangerine asked me to jump head first into launching the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast to help foster relationships with other Home Building experts. Once I began to find my groove and footing in the podcasting world, I realized I wanted to start one myself and have a creative outlet of my own; thus starting The Quest for New Inspiration.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

At the time I was deciding what to do for my podcast, I was beginning to realize that my grandfather, who is my biggest inspiration in life, was nearing the end of his life. Since I knew I would be missing his inspiration in my life, I at first went searching for inspiration and motivational stories from my friends and family. It was a time when I was really sad and trying to just keep moving forward, and as I began the podcast and started speaking with these different people, I really realized that inspiration is nothing but a thought without sharing your story with someone. Although my grandfather has since passed away, I am so grateful to have recorded some of his words for an episode of the podcast. Now I can share a piece of him with other people so they can hear how influential he was in my life and can now be so in theirs. Ultimately, my goal is to create a community people can go to for daily motivation, inspiration, and to simply put a smile on their face.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is to inspire others, and I feel like I get the chance to do that everyday by not being afraid to be myself and by putting myself out there with this podcast. Confidence is contagious. While I have a strong passion for podcasting and being in front of a mic, I still constantly struggle with putting myself out there and having the confidence to reach out to people for stories and push my podcast live. For example, in a recent episode featuring Sean James, we discussed how I stalled on asking him to be on my podcast for months. All I needed was the confidence to reach out. I truly believe this podcast has helped grow my confidence immensely, and I hope I can inspire confidence in others along the way.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My family, traveling, and animals are the main sources of joy in my life. Since my great grandfather started a travel agency business more than 100 years ago, the travel itch runs deep in my veins. When I get the opportunity to travel with my sisters or any of my other family members, I am overloaded with joy. I love everything from the new flavors and aromas, to the culture and history of the community. The tan lines will always fade but the memories made will last a lifetime. As I write this, I am currently being asked to go snorkeling with my 11-year-old cousins, and I cannot wait!

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I live intentionally by striving everyday to improve my physical and mental health. One of the tools I rely on is my therapist. She is constantly pushing me to set bigger goals and helping me boost my confidence. For example, when I struggle with anxiety, she helps me navigate the way I can put my anxiety to good use (I’m a professional organizer and planner… all fueled by anxiety). Part of why it is so important to me to live intentionally and stay grounded in my personal life is so that I can focus on continuing to grow my skills and cultivate my passion for marketing, branding, and podcasting. Since my podcasting is there to inspire other people, I want to make sure that I am showing up in a way that does that for my listeners and to make sure that I am reaching my daily goal to make at least one person smile.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

My younger self would be proud of how I branched out from my hometown but have also continued to have a deep connection to both my hometown community and family business. I also wish I could go back and tell myself, confidence is beauty. While in highschool I never truly believed I was beautiful. When I looked in the mirror, all I saw were my scars. It tanked my confidence dramatically. Now after yeaaaarrs of patience (and good skin care!), I am starting to embrace my scars and truly embrace the reality that confidence is beauty.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

My go-to mantra is “patience, perspective and hope.” This is a piece of advice I received when I headed off to college. It has helped me focus on having the patience for success, the perspective to appreciate other people and their experience, and simply having hope.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to record a podcast with Karen Killgariff and Georgia Hardstark or even work for Exactly Right Media. They are simply the most inspiring people; they are real, raw, and vulnerable, and I would move mountains just to have a coffee with them.

To learn more and connect with KT connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn. You can also check out her podcast at http://newinspirationpodcast.com/ and learn more about it here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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