Kelly Travis - Health, Leadership and Success Coach & Podcast Host

Kelly Travis

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As a Health, Leadership and Success Coach, Kelly Travis helps ambitious, high achieving folks prioritize their health and well-being so they can reach new levels in their business and their life. Through her programs, speaking and coaching, Kelly helps individuals build confidence, uplevel their physical, emotional and mental health, and realize their goals. And as a result, they take massive action and create positive change in every area of their life.

Officially, Kelly is a graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition where she earned her certification as a Holistic Health Coach a certified Precision Nutrition coach and Certified Enneagram coach. Her passion for health and wellbeing started in college, where she was a collegiate All-American runner at UNC-Charlotte, and earned her Bachelor of Science in Public Health with an emphasis on mental health from Central Michigan University.

Kelly’s extensive background in sales, marketing and publishing in the competitive Las Vegas market allows her to seamlessly communicate with leaders, individuals and organizational teams on all levels to cultivate a healthy culture, build trust, increase engagement and improve overall communication. 

I’m excited for you to connect with Kelly, check out her work and podcast, and follow along as she continues to help women and men step outside of the box and into what they really want and need.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! I’m Kelly Travis, a health, leadership and success coach, as well as a certified Enneagram Facilitator. I work within organizations to improve their cultural wellness and communication and help their leadership teams and employees reach their goals. I have a mastermind, called Ascend, for women who want to go after their goals while creating a foundation of health and wellbeing. I’m a speaker and I have a podcast called She Doesn’t Settle. I’m currently working on a memoir. (That’s a mouthful!)

How did you get started?

I ended my career in publishing and launched my business while pregnant with my second son. I started with personal training first and then evolved into the work I do now, because it’s where my education began.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

I was drawn to health and wellbeing after having to drop out of college to get help for a severe eating disorder. I went back to school to study mental health and public health, but ultimately ended up in the publishing industry for 10 years. One day I realized that I  was at the top of my career and miserable. I was chasing someone else dreams and sacrificing my health in the process. Long story short, when my kids were young (my oldest only a year old) I did the last thing that needed to happen for me to be able to help others - I left my abusive marriage. That’s when I began to fully make good on devoting my life to this work. 

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is helping women (and men) say screw it to trying to live life by all the rules and begin to recognize what they really want and need. And yes, I am definitely living out my purpose. At least I think so.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I’ve learned that it’s the little things that really bring me joy, and I’ve also learned to write my own definition of what that means. For me, my boys bring me joy everyday, while also making me feel like a crazy person! I’m a competitive runner, so everything from training to racing makes me feel alive. And, helping others has always brought me joy. When I can see the shift my clients make in how they perceive themselves and what they can accomplish, it makes me so happy.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I try to approach most things with intention. I have rules around when and how often I look at my phone, especially when I’m with my boys or boyfriend. I have a ritual with my boys every night where over dinner we share our high and low of the day and talk about what we could do better. Getting outside, whether to run, go for a walk with my boys and our dog, or play in the backyard is very grounding for me.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Oh gosh, this is an interesting question because I’m currently writing my memoir and I’m having to revisit a lot of these kinds of questions. I have a lot of journals I’m referring to during that time, 20 years ago, and in many of them I repeatedly say that I want to spend my career helping women with their health and their goals. So, I think she’d be pretty damn happy about using those experiences for the better.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

“You can do it.” I know, it’s very simple, but I’m all about making things easy and obtainable. It matches the beat of running and can be repeated easily. And it’s true!

What is your biggest dream?

Oh wow. A lot of my dreams feel big, like writing a book or having a house on the beach. I think for me it’s about legacy. Personally I want that legacy to be to raise kind, honest and hardworking kids who believe in themselves and make a positive impact on the world. Professionally, I want to help as many groups and individuals as I can become people who are healthy, happy and chasing dreams they want.

To learn more and connect with Kelly visit her website on Instagram @kellythealth and you can listen to her podcast She Doesn’t Settle on most podcast platforms

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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