Kate Evans - Life Coach & Founder, Soulful Space

Kate Evans


Kate Evans has spent her career helping empower women to discover their inner strength. She believes we all have our own answers, yet it can be tough to access them on our own because of all the other noise. 

Kate is here to facilitate your self-discovery and help you create your plan for success. 

Throughout her professional and personal life, Kate has seen the power of decluttering your mind, body, soul, and space. She became a personal coach to help you discover that same power yourself. 

As a certified life coach with nearly two decades of experience in psychology, Kate offers you her knowledge of decluttering and organization, yoga and yogic philosophy, feng shui, people, and life. With her unique solution-focused and integrative approach to life decluttering, and your commitment to yourself, together you will create the life you deserve.

I’m excited for you to connect with Kate, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to help overwhelmed women declutter their mind, body, soul, and space to help them live the intentional and joyful life they deserve.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! I’m Kate Evans. I’m a life coach and I own Soulful Space, a virtual life coaching service to help overwhelmed women declutter their mind, body, soul, and space. I spend my days working with my clients, writing my blog and newsletter, and working on writing my first book, which is a hybrid of self-help and decluttering advice that I think is very needed in a world that sometimes forgets there’s a reason things like clutter happen in the first place. The coaching work I do is focused on helping find balance in life, and a huge part of that is learning how to let yourself have a home you love. Letting yourself live in a space that nurtures you instead of draining you.

How did you get started?

I’ve been in psychology for almost 20 years now, and have owned a therapy private practice centered around empowering women for the last 9 years. I became certified in life coaching a couple of years ago and created Soulful Space to bring solution-focused, strengths-based work to those same women, for whom therapy focused more on what was wrong with them, than what was right.

What Inspired the work you’re doing?

In my search to rediscover myself and my passions a few years ago I began seeking out new information to spark something inside of me. I became certified as a yoga teacher, and during the training my own internal work advanced in a way I never expected. I grew as a person and began taking better care of my mental and emotional self; aka, my mind and soul. My body was already in better health than it had ever been and, as I worked on myself, it became clear my space, the home I lived in, even the office I worked in at the time, was what needed attention. I hadn’t developed my “mind, body, soul, and space” method at that point, but after having a meltdown over the clutter in my own home, taking 3 months to do a full decluttering, and realizing caring for your home is selfcare…I knew what I had to do. I had to shift my work to life coaching, to help other women care for their whole being, including their homes so they can feel as good as I do.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

I am absolutely living my passions! I used to live my life holding myself back with limiting beliefs about my potential as a woman and person. Those same limiting beliefs held me back from the ability to have a home I loved. Once I balanced out my life to care for the whole thing, instead of pieces, I was then free to live my passions as I do now. I’m passionate about helping women allow themselves the joyful lives they deserve. I’m passionate about having a life with the love of my life. I’m passionate about writing. I’m passionate about decluttering and organizing, and, believe me, that was not something I (a life-long slob) saw coming! My own experiences tell me that anyone can have the life they want with a little effort.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

My joy blueprint…it’s having a sense of purpose. It’s believing in myself and taking risks to have joy. It isn’t always easy to let yourself be joyful. I was smart enough to let an amazing man love me for the last 23 years, instead of putting up walls and pushing him away as I could have. He is a huge part of my joy blueprint. Having someone standing beside me supporting everything I do no matter how little he understands what and why I’m doing it, is powerful. When we travel the world together and see and learn new things, it lights me up and I come home excited to share what I’ve learned about life from another culture. It lights me up to have those sessions with coaching clients where something clicks, and she sees something she couldn’t see before that launches her into her next level. I do have to add that my cats light me up, too; two one-year-old calico sisters who either asleep or up to no good.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

To live intentionally is the only way to truly let joy in. In my life, when I’ve lost sight of my plan and intention, I’ve become lost. To keep myself aware, present, and accountable I combine mental and physical supports. Yoga, nightly yoga nidra, Epsom salt baths in the dark to give my senses a break, talking to trusted friends and colleagues, keeping systems in place to have a home I enjoy living and working in, traveling, and saying No when I need to.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

My younger self wouldn’t know what to do with me! Depending how young we’re talking I might have even rejected everything I now hold dear. I had planned on getting married by 27 and having children by 30; my soulmate and I chose not to legally marry and chose not to have children. I did know I would want to own my own business, so that would make sense to my younger self. But she might wonder how the heck I went from a Bachelors in Fine Arts and being a graphic designer, to being a life coach who works from home on a computer. Granted, my younger self also didn’t think this whole internet thing was really going to work out. That’s the fun of life. You have a plan, and you adjust as information around and inside of you changes.

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

My mantras change depending on what my intuition says I’m needing. In the past few weeks it has been “I welcome wealth, and am patient with myself”. Having come from a family that did not have much, I sometimes get confused by the financial gains that success brings so I need to remind myself it’s okay to welcome financial success. I can also become frustrated when I have a bunch of plans that are in motion, but nothing is coming to fruition yet, so I need a little reminder to give myself some space.

What is your biggest dream?

My biggest dream is to live in a little bungalow with my 6’2” redhead in Key West’s Old Town, writing book after book out by a small pool surrounded by greenery, and continuing to coach and mentor women into their most empowered place in a little office filled with light. I can see the picture in my head so clearly, it’s like I’m there already. Oh, and we would continue to travel the globe; the Galapagos Islands, Australia and New Zealand, Egypt, China, the Maldives…the list is very, very long.

To connect with Kate visit her on her website www.soulfulspacecoaching.com where you can sign up for her weekly emails, read her blog, find 30-day challenges and decluttering tips, as well as, of course, sign up for coaching and Instagram @soulfulspace.coaching and via email kate@soulfulspacecoaching.com

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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