Jennifer Noel Taylor - Chief Magical Officer, Quantum-Touch

Jennifer Noel Taylor


Jennifer Noel Taylor is an energy healing practitioner, self-help motivator, and the CEO of Quantum-Touch, Inc. She has dedicated her life work to helping people discover the healing power of their love.

Jennifer graduated from Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo, CA) with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Computer Science and a Minor in Philosophy. After graduation, she started her first job as a Software Engineer at a big company in San Diego. Like so many people, she felt incredibly trapped and depressed at a job that paid the bills but didn’t align with her true passion in life. She innately knew that she had a purpose and felt keenly aware that she was not 
following her true calling in life.

To cope with the social isolation and depression she felt at work, she studied bodywork and alternative healing. She attended the International Professional School of Bodywork, Esalen Institute in Big Sur, and the Maui Academy of Healing Arts. While working on people, she started to feel the “energy fields” emanating from people. She became fascinated by energy healing and studied various energy healing modalities, including Reiki. She met Richard Gordon, the founder of Quantum-Touch as his lecture on Maui. She fell in love with the vision of Quantum-Touch and received a very clear message from the Universe that energy healing was her true calling. Shortly after training in Quantum-Touch, she quit her job, took a leap of faith, and finally followed her Heart. She took over as CEO of Quantum-Touch in June 2002.

As CEO of Quantum-Touch, she continues to promote optimal wellness by helping people connect more deeply to their love. Not only is Love the basis of all healing but it also is the guiding force behind the business itself. Her business practices include spiritually rewarding jobs, loving service to the world, environmental responsibility, and financial abundance. Quantum-Touch has grown from a regional U.S company to a Multinational corporation. I’m so excited for you guys to connect with Jennifer, check out her work, and her new book, and follow along!

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Aloha! I’m Jennifer Noel Taylor and I’m the COO or “Chief Magical Officer” of Quantum-Touch.  I’m working on multiple projects right now.  I’m designing and building my home in Asheville, NC.  I’m working on a project to help an impoverished family in Costa Rica buy land and have a home.  I’m the Secretary on the Board for the National Association or Energy Practitioners, with the goal to educate our congress men and women about energy medicine.  I also manage the day to day operations of Quantum-Touch, an organization dedicated to sharing the love – we teach energy medicine workshops all around the world, from Hong Kong to South Africa.  

How did you get started?

In 2002, I was writing software for a living, yet I felt depressed at my job because I didn’t feel that I was living my purpose.  I knew deep inside that I had a life purpose and it wasn’t software!  Then I met Richard Gordon, who is the founder of Quantum-Touch and through a series of amazing synchronicities, I ended up the COO of Quantum-Touch and felt that I was finally on track with my life purpose.   

What inspired the work that you're doing?

Energy medicine empowers people to take charge of their health.  I love to inspire people with the message that they have the power to change their life and create pursue their dreams. 

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

Yes, definitely living my purpose!  My biggest passion is to empower and inspire people.  There is always is hope no matter how horrible things seems to appear.  We all have the power to do great things and move beyond the most difficult challenges.  

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

I recently was down in Costa Rica, helping a local family there.  We did a fundraiser to help them buy land and build a home.  I can’t tell you how alive I felt doing something that big to help others -- that lights me up and makes me feel most alive.   

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

I use energy work to live intentionally.  I feel into the energy of each pathway I’m considering and ask: “Is this in the highest good.”  I feel for the highest flow.  If someone “less than optimal” happens, I ask, what lesson am I needing to learn? What is the course correction?  In this way, I feel that God/Source/Universe is  my guide and this helps me naturally stay mindful and grounded. 

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

My younger self would love it!  

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation?

My go to mantra is to find joy in and be grateful for small things -- such as petting my cats, enjoying the sun, or talking with a friend. 

What is your biggest dream?

I’m a huge fan of Ellen DeGeneres because she surprises people with resources to help make their dreams come true.  I love helping people achieve their dreams. 

To learn more about Jennifer and her work you can connect with her on her website and and Instagram @jennifernoeltaylor Facebook @jennifernoeltaylor Twitter @jennoeltaylor you can find her latest book Spiritual and Broke: How to Stop Struggling with Money and Live Your Purpose is on Amazon

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