Cris Ramos Greene - Author, Embrace That Girl

Cris Ramos Greene

Cris Ramos Greene Author of Embrace That Girl - Imgur.jpg

Cris Ramos Greene is a Spanish-American writer and author of Embrace That Girl. With over a decade of blogging about travel, dating and the human condition, Cris has a uniquely wry voice that shines through her debut book. Embrace That Girl retraces Cris’ twenties: her search for meaning, love and gainful employment.

A lifelong writer, Cris first began creating layered characters who find the humor in heartbreak during high school. She has a B.S. in Public Relations from the University of Florida and still bleeds blue and orange. Searching for a change of pace after working in Miami’s art scene and ad world, she penned her first book and moved to The Smoky Mountains.

Cris lives and works out of her cozy home in Bryson City, NC where she is accompanied by her husband Jaime and pup Bo. She can be found sipping wine every week day at 5pm on her porch.

I’m so excited for you to connect with Cris, check out her work, and follow along as she continues to remind readers that embracing “That Girl” in the mirror is essential for moving forward.

I'd love it if you'd introduce yourself, what you do, and what you're working on.

Hi! I’m Cris Ramos Greene, author of Embrace That Girl

I’m a writer and I’ve always known this is my vocation since I was young. I’ve professionally written for over a decade for other publications, a travel column, my own lifestyle blog, and client-side for marketing agencies and various art show productions in the Miami art world.

Right now, I’m really excited to be releasing my book, which follows my search for love and meaning in Miami during my twenties. It was an incredibly gratifying book to write and I’m most enjoying hearing what my readers think now that it’s in their hands. Writing is a solitary craft, so I’m excited to be working on the sharing phase of my work :)

How did you get started?

Oh gosh, I’ve written since I was in grade school and even in high school for the paper and yearbook! Professionally, I began writing in my twenties. I first got my confidence by landing a travel column for The Examiner, which took me around The Magic City interviewing the interesting entrepreneurs and artists that were transforming Miami. Later, I wrote for BuzzFeed and my own lifestyle blog, which was also based around travel. 

I made the leap to writing about my own personal experiences when I submitted a few pieces to Thought Catalog about my feelings on romantic relationships, my self-consciousness with selfies and social media, and turning 30 (which was momentous for me!). I was still working a day job copywriting for advertising agencies, but being so personal like that with a wide audience gave me the confidence to switch over and focus on writing about the art world, specifically interviewing local artists bringing their vision to life. These interviews are usually of a personal nature where I got to sink my teeth into an artist’s world.

I essentially followed my curiosities when I got started and they’ve never led me astray ;)

What inspired the work that you're doing?

Although I knew I always wanted to write, having the worthiness to tell my story has never been easy. So, I’d have to say two forces really inspired the work I’m doing now.

First, the relationships in my life, like my husband, who has always been a champion for me, making me feel like my point of view matters. I have several women in my life as well who have always given me the courage when I find myself lacking it.

Second, and this is a big one, I’ve been incredibly inspired by the women I’ve met who are storytellers and artists. During my time working in Miami’s art scene, I got to interview several women in that world (a typically male-dominated space) who were putting themselves out there with their work. I was lucky enough to help bring several all-female art shows to life, one of which was the first of its kind for Miami Art Week (which is the Oscars of the art world in Miami). Watching them make it happen with vulnerability, power and grace opened up something within me… I felt that I, too, could be part of the world and share my story.

What is your biggest passion? Do you feel like you're living your passion and purpose?

My biggest passion is storytelling. Right now, that’s in the form of writing about my experiences and the moments that shaped my understanding of who I am in this space and time with Embrace That Girl. I think when we share ourselves with the world, there’s a lot of value for others who see themselves in your story or broaden their perspective to a different point of view. 

I never thought anyone would care about a Cuban, Spanish girl that grew up in Miami longing to be part of a creative world that seemed inaccessible. I never thought my search for understanding and acceptance of myself mattered to anyone, but it does. All our stories really matter. So that passion to create the space for other women to tell their stories and know they matter is at the heart of what I do. I 100% feel I’m living with passion and purpose.

What is your joy blueprint? What lights you up, brings you joy, and makes you feel the most alive?

Is it cheesy to say my husband and my dog? ;) They’re definitely at the top of my list! They bring me joy every day by simply being around me.

Outside of them, prioritizing myself brings me joy. When I’m nourishing my mind, body and soul, I’m able to be a leader in my own life and be of service to others. I’m a big morning person, so I journal, meditate, and have the absolute longest coffee moment… it’s seriously a bit ridiculous, I need 2 hours at least ;P

Connecting with nature also makes me feel incredibly alive. My husband and I moved to North Carolina 2 years ago, so I have the privilege of living in The Smoky Mountains, which are so special. I feel like nature has a lot to teach us about ourselves, namely that we don’t need anything. Nature is self-sustaining and when I’m experiencing that, I’m reminded that I am too, we all are. We have all the answers inside of us, we need only connect to that source within ourselves.

How do you live intentionally? Are there tools/resources/practices that you rely on to help you stay mindful and grounded?

Although there are several things I do to keep myself grounded, none of them matter without presence. I believe that being present is the catalyst for creating a life of intention. When I’m not committed to being present, I’m on automatic and I go through life on autopilot at best, or on reaction-mode at worst. Without taking the moment to presence ourselves, life passes us by. 

My morning routine helps center me for sure. Stream of consciousness journaling is a powerful tool to get the muck out and start the day clean. But, again, I’m a firm believer that it’s about the beingness first and the doingness second. Making the commitment to be present puts me in the space where the tools to make that happen naturally follow.

What would your younger self think about what you're doing now?

Hah! I LOVE this question. Who I was when I was younger feels like an entirely different woman. As I was writing Embrace That Girl, I honestly felt less like I was mining my own memories and more like I was reacquainting myself with an old, familiar friend. I grew to love that girl and appreciate how different she looked and felt. Seriously, our worlds, worries, loves and even beliefs are vastly different. However, we do have a thread of commonality that makes me protective of her.

I honestly think she’d tell me she’s proud and also if I’m being honest, I’d like to imagine we may take the time to grab a glass of wine and debrief. I can see her telling me, “Really?” for a lot of the things in my life, but ultimately nodding her head saying, “I didn’t see that coming.Thanks for making a work of art with all this. I guess the universe really did have my back that whole time.” And then I’d simply smile and reply, “You did. It was you the whole time.”

Do you have a go-to mantra or affirmation? 

I have one consistent mantra: Be, Do, Have. And that’s to remind me of the true order to create anything I want in my life. Whenever I think I’m not doing enough or having enough, I am reminded that “the how” or “the things” aren’t the problem. They never are. It’s how I’m being that’s providing the context for these issues to show up in my life. It always comes back to the self. We are that powerful. 

What is your biggest dream?

I’m living it. My biggest dream was to be married to a partner who loves me unconditionally, to live somewhere that gives me peace, and to be an author. I always wanted a great relationship with my family and a group of friends who really see me. I have all that in spades.

There’s always a next level for me personally and professionally, for sure, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve made it ;)

To learn more about Cris visit her website and subscribe to her newsletter here on Instagram @crisrgreene and you can find her new book Embrace That Girl here

Joy Corner is an interview-style blog series brought to you by Seek The Joy Podcast. Our mission continues to be a desire to share your stories, truths, joys and inspiration in your words. We invite you to join our corner, and share your joys, passions, and moments of inspiration as we continue to seek the joy, together. Join this series here

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