Tanya Valentin
When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains author Tanya Valentin is a teacher, women’s archetype mentor, poet, podcaster, and published author. She is the founder of the AWAKE™ mentoring framework, used to support mothers of tween and teen girls who are navigating change to create the life that they want. Valentin was born in South Africa.
Today, she lives in Northland, New Zealand with her husband, three teenage daughters, and a happy collection of a dog, three cats, and free-range farm animals, including a mischievous goat named Kemi.
Tanya is committed to co-creating magic in the lives of women so they can discover their purpose, reclaim their joy, find their voice, create the life they want, and step into their magnificent inner Queen.
In today’s episode Tanya shares her journey becoming an Archetype Mentor and Author of When She Wakes, She Will Move Mountains - Five Steps to Reconnecting with Your Wild Authentic Inner Queen. After years of ignoring her real calling to be a writer, she looked herself in the mirror and realized she didn’t recognize the woman staring back at her. She wondered where her life had gone, and Tanya knew it was time to change her life. This wake-up call culminated in a huge personal awakening and healing journey. During the pandemic she was inspired to write about her journey to offer hope and healing to other women and moms who are going through the same thing she did. Tanya’s story is a beautiful reminder that we’re never really lost, the real you is within, you just need to surrender to what is.
“When I talk about being the queen of your own life I mean being authentic to who you are. Living the life that you choose for yourself, for your family, and you don’t feel like you have to compare yourself to others or hustle against others. You’re living aligned to your values and who you truly are. Sometimes it takes a little while to figure out who that is, but we’re always there. She’s always there, our inner queen, and it just takes a little while for us to reconnect with her.”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7bZHrtjAzbksbLWNaak1NM
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-inspiring-joy/id1510488632
To connect with Tanya and learn more check out her website https://www.tanyavalentinauthor.com and on Instagram @tanyavalentinnz and you can find her book here
Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this episode are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Stories of Inspiring Joy.