Nataleen Henry

Nataleen Henry is the creator of Butterflies - Broken Wings can Fly Again, a support group and resource that brings awareness to other women and men who have gone through rape, sexual abuse, or domestic violence. In this week’s new episode, Nataleen shares her story of transformation from ashes to beauty. She candidly shares her story of being raped at age 16, and how the pain, blame and shame took a toll on her self-confidence and self-esteem. Two years later, at the age of 18, she found herself in a toxic and abusive relationship that altered the direction of her life, and ultimately brought her back to a space of self-love and self-compassion.

Nataleen’s reflections on domestic violence will remind you that age, gender, level of education, and social background don’t matter when it comes to sexual abuse and domestic violence, and that it can happen to anyone. Her words on her own experience will remind you to approach others with compassion and understanding, rather than judgment and criticism. Her courage to take a leap of faith and bravely trust her instincts to leave that relationship will remind you that we’re so much stronger than we think. Nataleen’s choice to move away from that abusive relationship wasn’t easy, and during this week’s episode she shares with us that at one point she had to take out a restraining order. Her decision to no longer stay in a negative and abusive space allowed her to reclaim her life, and begin to build it step by step. Her words on how there is a light out of every dark tunnel will remind you that when we take the steps to begin to empower ourselves, anything is possible if we hold on to faith, trust, and hope.

As a result of her experiences Nataleen created Butterflies as a space to provide encouragement and hope. Her biggest dream is to create awareness, and her story is a message of hope, encouragement, light and love. It’s a beautiful reminder that no matter the darkness you’re experiencing, there is a light waiting for you, and you can truly blossom and become that beautiful butterfly you always dreamed of, if you just believe.

I can truly say there is beauty from my ashes. Sometimes in life we go through things that can really break us, but then those things that break us - those broken pieces - god can use, and we can use to create a masterpiece. It can create a stepping stone, not just for yourself but for those that come from those same experiences.
— Nataleen Henry

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To learn more about Nataleen and connect with her visit Butterflies - Broken Wings can Fly Again

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss