Nancy Davis Kho

Nancy Davis Kho is a writer whose work has appeared in the Washington PostSan Francisco ChronicleAdirondack Life, The Rumpus, The Toast, and numerous anthologies including Listen To Your Mother: What She Said Then, What We’re Saying Now (Putnam.) She’s been recognized as a Voice of the Year in the Humor Category by BlogHer and was the inaugural champion of Oakland’s Literary Death Match. Her book THE THANK-YOU PROJECT: Cultivating Happiness One Letter of Gratitude at a Time was published by Running Press in December 2019. 

Nancy writes about “the years between being hip and breaking one” at, and her Midlife Mixtape Podcast (available on all major podcast platforms) celebrates Gen Xers at midlife with humor, heart, and a really good beat. In August 2019, the Wall Street Journal named the Midlife Mixtape Podcast to its list of “8 Podcasts for Anyone Nervously Facing Retirement.” Nancy is from upstate New York and now lives with her husband and two daughters in Oakland, California.

In today’s new episode Nancy shares the story behind her new book, The Thank-You Project. It’s the story of the year that she wrote thank-you letters to 50 people, places, and pastimes that had shaped her, inspired her, and helped her become the person she was. The list of recipients included family and friends, of course, but soon expanded to teachers, bosses, mentors, authors, cities, hobbies and even a handful of ex-boyfriends and former friends. It was a totally unexpected way to find more peace during what turned out to be a trying and turbulent time, and continues to yield benefits years down the road. Nancy’s story will remind you of the beautiful connection between gratitude and happiness, and  give you practical and reassuring guidance to start your very own Thank-You Project.

These thank-you letters that you write allow you to have a little bit more perspective than what you’d have when you were in the moment. It’s an interesting way to go back and reframe your story, really understand what you’ve learned, and understand that you did the best you could at the time even if maybe you’d make different choices now. It’s a great way to foster self-gratitude, too.
— Nancy Davis Kho


Apple Podcasts:

To connect with Nancy and her work visit her website where you can get to the Midlife Mixtape blog and the Midlife Mixtape Podcast (available on all podcast platforms.) and on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss