Laura Formentini

Laura Formentini has always been a curious and empathic person. It is that sensitivity that has led her to travel the world and bring aid wherever she goes, be it in the form of raising funds to renovate an entire orphanage in Kenya, a run-down clinic in Malawi, or Co-Found an animal sanctuary in Sicily, Italy. Laura is also a nonprofit photographer who has had the privilege of working with countless organizations around the world. Laura is a believer that Love in Action heals not only the world, but that it also holds the key to our own healing.

In today’s episode, Laura shares her journey to her work opening up the animal sanctuary, Rifugio Isola del Sole, and how love in action heals the heart. Her work in Sicily provides a sanctuary for animals, it’s a way of showing that where there is love, there is always life.

While advocating travel to impact the world for positive global change, Laura turned into a child welfare activist and an advocate to prevent cruelty to animals.

Her philanthropic fundraising has taken place in Italy, Malawi, Kenya, Tanzania, and Puerto Rico. An archaeologist, conservationist, and photographer, Laura is also Vice President of Rifugio Isola del Sole, an animal sanctuary in Southern Italy, where she spearheads the free sterilization of street dogs and cats. Other causes she supports include––People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, Mercy for Animals, Best Friends Animal Society, Kiva, Mercy for Animals, the ASPCA, and the LAV (Lega Anti-Vivisezione Italia).

Laura has also been sponsoring over 40 children around the globe through PlanUSA for the past 16 years. Born in Milan, Laura has lived in Italy, Missouri, Colorado, and California, and holds a Bachelor of Science in Archaeology and Art History from Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. Laura is honored to meet you here and excited you have a desire to learn more about taking action, what she callsLove in Action, to create a better world.

Where there is love, there is always life. I have learned that the power of love can literally take us to the edge of the world. My biggest dream is to infuse courage, passion, and enthusiasm into anyone who has lost theirs, because it is a beautiful world and there is so much we can all do and share with others.
— Laura Formentini

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To connect with Laura visit her website and and on Instagram @authorlauraformentini

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss