Jeff Kuhn
Jeff Kuhn is the author of the Amazon best-selling new book, “Blue Sky Lighting: How to Survive and Thrive When Life Blindsides You.” In his book, he shares the story of his own life-threatening injury and illness. In this week’s episode, Jeff shares the story of how he survived burns that covered over 80% of his body. Emergency Room Doctor’s told him and his family that he had no chance of survival, but thanks to the hard work of two of the most gifted burn doctors in the world, and an incredible desire to survive, Jeff started to turn the corner after a few days in the intensive care unit. Two years and 18 surgeries later, Jeff was back on his feet and stronger than ever until a year and a half later, when lightning struck again. He came down with a neuromuscular disease which caused more pain than the burn injuries.
Jeff’s two near death experiences left him more mentally and physically stronger. His message is for survivors, fighters, and the individuals who have gone through unspeakable trauma, and his words will remind you that we all have an inner fire that can and will propel us forward. He tells his story with grit and determination, revisiting his experiences to give readers and listeners hope. Never backing down from the uncomfortable task of reliving his trauma, Jeff has used his story to illustrate the difficulty of overcoming tremendous odds. An inspiration for anyone facing difficulty, Jeff’s words will give you insight and clarity about how trauma can make all of us into powerful warriors, fighting back against tremendous odds.
“No matter what difficulty you’re facing or will face, you do have the power inside you to persevere and make it to the other side of a serious setback. Any major comeback in life may require a significant amount of time to accomplish, and a laser like focus on your ultimate goal.”
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To connect with Jeff and to learn more about his book “Blue Sky Lightning” and to grab your copy visit and on Twitter @jmkuhn99
Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this episode are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Stories of Inspiring Joy.