Helene Lerner

Helene Lerner is the founder of WomenWorking.com. For more than two decades, Helene has been addressing the concerns of contemporary women. As a prolific author, independent public television host, Emmy Award-winning executive producer and Fortune 500 workplace consultant, she covers a wide array of women’s issues—from breaking barriers and work-life balance, to health and wellness, to relationships and building self-esteem.

Under the umbrella of Creative Expansions, Inc. the company she founded in 1994, Lerner has produced more than 20 televised specials and received American Public Television’s (APT) “MVP” award for her outstanding contributions to public television. She is also the author of 13 books including  The Confidence Myth: Why Women Undervalue Their Skills and How to Get Over It and In Her Power: Reclaiming Your Authentic Self.

In this week’s new episode, Helene shares her journey overcoming major depression and a battle with her weight that impacted her mindset and overall well-being. She so vulnerably shares the moment she decided to take her own life, and her realization that there was more to live her. She reached out for help, and she realized that she was eating for all of the wrong reasons - she was eating as a way to self-soothe. She realized that she could start living her life one step at a time, find new ways to cope, self-soothe, feel her emotions, and set boundaries. She started to listen to her inner voice, and she realized that she needed to help others do the same. She found a professional and personal passion and energy to empower other women. She launched her own company to independently develop media with the common denominator of providing women with what she once lacked: the support and information needed to overcome obstacles and make the most of their lives.

Today, WomenWorking.com is committed to supporting women to live fully, giving them tools, tips, and inspiration to move through challenges in every aspect of their lives. Helene’s story will remind you that when we stop, and don’t go for what we truly want, we stop ourselves before we’re even able to get started. Helene is a firm believer that we all know our passion, and the voice inside us is strong. It’s when we ignore our inner knowing that we lose touch with who we are. You might hear a lot of “no’s” along your journey, but all it takes is one “yes!”

I challenge you to look and recapture your vision. Right now the world is shaken up by atrocities and health challenges, and it’s a great opportunity to look deeper. Look inside, what is it that you really want to do, that you haven’t been doing? What have you put on the back burner? Now is the time to resurrect it.
— Helene Lerner

To learn more about Helene and Women Working visit their website https://www.womenworking.com and on Instagram @womenworking Facebook @womenworking Twitter @womenworking on YouTube @HeleneLerner and you can find her new card deck, Soulful Wisdom: Cards for Women Who Do Too Much here

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss