Elle Hari

As a #1 international bestselling author, teacher and coach, Elle Hari is a Twin Flame and Ascension Alchemist who’s true purpose in life is guiding people on their Twin Flame journey— a transformation that reunites them with their Twin Flame and leads to self-love, joy, abundance and their soul’s highest calling.

After following her own Twin Flame journey, Elle left her job as a lawyer and began coaching students as they traveled theirs. As painful as her Twin Flame journey was, she wouldn’t trade the experience for the world. Without it, she wouldn’t have learned the Divine Truth of Creation, which is necessary to help people advance on their soul’s journey. Through her personal experiences and coaching, she’s developed revolutionary methods that help her students unconditionally love themselves at the deepest level possible. Elle’s students discover who they truly are, at the soul level, manifesting their greatest dreams by discovering and fulfilling their true soul's purpose.

Devoted to helping people overcome fear, pain and self-sabotaging limitations, she guides her students to their true nature of bliss and perpetual happiness. Her mission is driven by a passion to expand people’s knowledge and awareness of Twin Flames and assist humanity’s spiritual ascension on a global scale.

In today’s episode, Elle shares her journey of how her purpose found her. She started off her career as a lawyer, and over time she began to realize that it wasn’t her passion. At the same time she found herself divorced and a single mother, and there was part of her that was excited for her next chapter. She met someone new, and shortly after she found herself hitting rock bottom. She didn’t recognize herself anymore, she couldn’t function, and she recognized that something had to change. She found out that she was experiencing a twin flame journey, an awakening to get to know yourself on the deepest level possible, on the level of your soul, who you truly are. It’s a spiritual journey of unconditional and immense self-love. Elle’s own twin flame journey has inspired her to write a book and work with others to trust their own path, to trust their rock bottom, and discover their own inner truth.

My biggest dream is to keep assisting humanity’s ascension, by keep sharing the truth with everyone. Everyone is exactly the same underneath, everyone is a soul, everyone is here in every single lifetime for the exact same reason, and that is to get to know and understand and love themselves as a soul, unconditionally.
— Elle Hari

Tune in on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7bZHrtjAzbksbLWNaak1NM

Tune in on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-inspiring-joy/id1510488632

To learn more about Elle and her work visit her website https://www.masteryofascensionalchemy.com and on Instagram @bewithyourtwinflame Facebook @twinflameteacher and YouTube here

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss