Dr. Lindsay Weisner
Dr. Lindsay Weisner is a clinical Psychologist in Long Island, New York. She graduated from Georgetown University in 1999 and was awarded a fellowship in child development at the NIH/NICHD. She received her doctorate from C.W. Post, LIU, and went on to pursue post-doctorate training at the American Institute of Psychoanalysis.
Dr. Lindsay is the host of the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast and the co-author of the upcoming book Ten Steps To Finding Happy. This book will be released on March 20, 2020, in accordance with the United Nations International Day of Happiness.
In this week’s story, Lindsay shares her journey becoming a psychologist and writer, through the lens of her love for words and storytelling. She shares the impact that reading at a young age had on her life, and how her love for words propelled her to become an author, podcaster, and clinical psychologist. Books, and her love for reading, got her out of her own head and her own home. But - she didn’t love choose your own ending books! For her, there was nothing more annoying, she wanted hard and concrete facts. Lindsay’s home growing up, despite being perfect on paper, lacked a fine line between truth and fiction. You’ll hear it in this week’s episode, her experiences as a child and teenager impacted her need for a beginning, middle, and end - both in books, and in life.
Dr. Lindsay fell in love with psychology in college, and combined with her love of writing, she pursued a career in journalism. In this week’s new episode she shares the rejections she received, how she dealt with it, and the first job she landed after college. You’ll laugh her story about beanie babies . . . trust me.
“I really want to spread awareness around the stigma of mental health, and how when we continue to shame people, hide mental health, or to silence those who are suffering, we’re making it worse. My biggest dream is to use my podcast, upcoming book, and any other platform I’m given to spread awareness about mental health and the need to de-stigmatize it, and let people openly talk about not feeling okay.”
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/7bZHrtjAzbksbLWNaak1NM
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/stories-of-inspiring-joy/id1510488632
To learn more about Lindsay and her work visit her on Instagram @PsychShrinkMom on Twitter @LindsaySKallen and Facebook @LindsaySKallen and you can find the Neurotic Nourishment Podcast on Instagram @NeuroticNourishment and on Apple Podcasts here and for more about her upcoming book, Ten Steps To Finding Happy, you can learn more on Facebook at Finding Happy and on Instagram @10StepsFindingHappy
Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss.
*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this episode are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of Stories of Inspiring Joy.