Sandra Daniele

Sandra Daniele is the Chief Wildflower behind Wish on Wildflowers -Life Enhancement Coaching for Women. Wish on Wildflowers was created as a safe space for women to fully explore the dreams they hold in their heart, uncover their truths, and show the world how beautiful and unique they are without the fear of judgement.

In addition to the one on one coaching she offers her clients, Sandra is currently working on a group coaching program for women that reviews Clarity, Connection, Confidence and Choice in their life.

In today’s episode, Sandra shares her journey from questioning her life, her self-worth, and her joy, to ultimately finding that everything she was searching for was already within. For years Sandra wondered how other women could seem so happy. She wanted confidence, happiness and to wake up with a feeling of purpose. Sandra has been on a road to rediscover who she is after leaving a 10 year marriage and losing both her parents to cancer.  She knew it was time to start over and start really living her life, and that’s exactly what she did. Sandra holds her Certified Professional Coaching Certification earned through the Co-Active Training Institute(CTI). CTI is widely recognized as the most rigorous professional coach training and certification program in the industry. She is also recognized by the International Coaching Federation as a professional coach.

What I didn’t realize when I was younger is that my happiness and uniqueness would never look like anyone else’s. Trying to be like someone else, or trying to fit in, was creating the exact opposite effect of what I truly desired. I just wanted to be me, however that showed up. I was lacking confidence and the inability to fit in because I didn’t know how. I was trying on different personalities to see what felt good, feeding and believing the labels and opinions of others for so long. it was finally when I turned inward and listened to the kind voice in my heart that I finally managed to pull away from the noise to find and showcase my true essence.
— Sandra Daniele

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To learn more about Sandra and Wish on Wildflowers visit her website and on Instagram @wishonwildflowers and on Facebook @wishonwildflowers and you can find her Facebook group here

Stories of Inspiring Joy is a production of Seek The Joy Media and created by Sydney Weiss. To learn more and submit your story, click here.

Sydney Weiss