Ep. 69 Good Vibes Cookie Co: Flour, Sugar, and a Dream Baked with Sweet Intentions with Jodi Mannis
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Happy #SeekThejoy Tuesday!
On the podcast this week is Jodi Mannis - mom, baker, artist and the cookie goddess behind Good Vibes Cookie Co.
In this week’s episode we chat all about the inspiration behind Good Vibes Cookie Co., creating her first geode cookie, and combining her design background, experiences, passions, and spirituality into creating a beautiful business baked with sweet intentions. Jodi walks us through her magical cookie creation process, what it’s like bringing her kids into the kitchen with her, how she’s keeping up with the demand for her confectionary magic, and how she chooses which crystal variations to include in the boxes. We chat all about the crystal connection with her grandfather, the role crystals have played in her life and her business, and her go-to crystals right now. Plus, Jodi shares with us the role spirituality and trusting her intuition has played in her journey, her go-to affirmation, what’s next for Jodi and Good Vibes, and so much more!
I’m so excited about this one and can’t wait to hear what you think! Make sure to join the conversation on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter!
“It’s more than just a cookie. Anyone can bake a cookie, but I create and experience and a connection. The boxes all have the meanings of the crystals and what you’re going to manifest, or hope to manifest in your life, or keep in your life, or get rid of in your life.”
Born and raised in Los Angeles, Jodi went to USC (Fight On!) to study Fine Arts where she focused on graphic design and packaging. She landed feet-first straight out of college as a graphic designer for Guess Jeans, and she was lucky enough to climb the ranks pretty quickly. In fact, Jodi became one of the youngest head clothing designers at Guess at age 22. She later left to pursue other fashion-related ventures, including a handbag line, and ended up finding herself working full-time in her family’s court reporting business.
Crystals have always been a big part of Jodi’s life. In fact it was something that she shared with her grandfather as a kid. Over time Jodi found herself becoming more and more spiritual, and as a result of different hardships and difficulties, she found herself drawn to crystals once again. Today, she shares her love of crystals with her kids and the world through Good Vibes Cookie Co. - and it’s so cool!
As Jodi shares in this week’s new episode, each crystal that we find on Mother Earth has properties - calmness, wellness, love, healing, among others - and Jodi’s intention is to share these properties with you through her cookie creations.
Where did Good Vibes Cookie Co. begin?
Jodi has always had her creative hands in something, and she often found herself freelancing on the side - whether it was design work, branding, packaging, fashion, or party planning (among others!). Plus as a single mom she found herself wearing many (many) hats, and at times struggling to tie it all together and keep herself afloat. When Good Vibes came together she was struggling to make ends meet, and she was looking for a creative outlet or passion project that could make her a little extra, but mostly fill her soul.
“Good Vibes Cookie Co. is the greatest gift I could have given my children, both for us as a family and for them as individuals. They’ve seen that anything can happen in life. If you believe in something, if you work hard, if you strive, if you believe in what you’re doing you can make something out of nothing.”
Jodi created her first crystal cookie for her kids in February 2018. She decided that for Valentine’s Day she was going to make a cookie dough geode, and she had no idea what she was doing! She took her favorite recipes and combined them, all to make a crystal cookie for her daughter. Jodi’s kids have always pushed her to her creative limits (and she’s not one to back down from a challenge!) and after several attempts and some trial and error (you’re going to love what Jodi shares about going back and forth to the freezer!) Jodi posted her cookie creations on her private social media account, and the rest is history.
Truly overwhelmed by the response to these cookies and people asking her to bake them, her design background started to kick in, and Jodi started to explore what her packaging and concept would look like. In April 2018, she decided to start branding and packaging her crystal cookie creations, and her first pop-up tasting was in May. Everything came together SO quickly, and Jodi’s journey with Good Vibes Cookie Co. is a testament to what you can create when you’re true to your authentic passion and joy, and choose to step into it (even when it’s scary!)
“No matter how large (cross your fingers!) the brand will get, it all goes back to the base, to where this all comes from, which is to share the sweet intentions and the connected energy. It’s very special - the whole process, the cookie, the individuality, the message. I never want to lose that.”
Each one of Jodi’s cookies are handmade and painted, and the colors are replications of real crystals. No two are alike - just like no two crystals are alike! - and each box is specialy curated for you. Sometimes her clients let her choose and sometimes they tell her exactly what they want. The coolest part is when she chooses the crystal cookies for her clients and they come back and tell her stories of the serendipities and magic that showed up. As Jodi shares in this week’s new episode, she’s had experiences where someone has purchased boxes for her best friends, and not knowing what crystals Jodi chose — nor could they see inside the boxes – one friend got a box with her birthstone and the second stone was the name of the street she grew up on! (Like, what!! Too cool!) The truth is the crystals pick you, you don’t pick the crystals!
Conceptually there’s nothing like Jodi’s cookies out in the market place, and the feelings and meanings that come with them are truly out of this world. Each bite is an experience. The layers of flavors, starting with the crystal crunch to the frosting layer down the buttery cookie base - it’s a party in your mouth! Jodi has really created a perfect balance of flavors, and the best part is the feeling you get when you share them.
In a short period of time, Jodi and Good Vibes Cookie Co. has become the “go to” for brands like Glam Glow & Mazz Hannah for all their Celebrity Clients, she’s delivered her cookies to amazing souls like Whitney Cummings & Busy Phillips (just to name a few!) At the end of the day, Jodi loves meeting and connecting with people all around the world, and having the opportunity to send them Good Vibes all over the USA!
Jodi’s creations, and her journey to create them, is such a beautiful reminder that anything is possible when we choose to chase our dreams, and it’s okay to be different and unique! I’m so excited for you to tune into this one - Jodi is so wonderful, kind, and full of magic!
To learn more about Jodi and to get your hands on the incredible magic she’s sharing and creating through her cookies visit her on Instagram @goodvibescookieco and on her site www.goodvibescookieco.com
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