Ep. 57 Get It Together with Lauren Berger, CEO and Founder of Intern Queen and Career Queen

Happy #SeekTheJoy Tuesday!


On the podcast this week is Lauren Berger - career-management expert, CEO and Founder of Intern Queen, the brand new Career Queen, and bestselling author. Her most recent book, Get It Together: Ditch the Chaos, Do The Work, and Design Your Success, is a super practical guide to personal success packed with no-nonsense tips that will get anyone where they want to be in business and in life.

In this week’s new episode we chat all about Lauren’s entrepreneurial journey with Intern Queen, and we dive deep into her new book, Get It Together. Lauren shares the inspiration behind the book, how to get out of the “busy trap”, setting boundaries, and the one thing she did to become more present. We chat about coping with failure and rejection, sticking to the script, how to stop getting ready to get ready, and Lauren shares with us her top tips for setting goals and knowing our priorities.



Lauren founded Intern Queen Inc. in 2009 after recognizing the need for a more personalized way for young people to connect with the internships and career opportunities of their dreams. Today, she runs both internqueen.com and the big-sister site for the brand, laurenbergerinc.com. She also founded and oversees the IQ Campus Marketing Agency which helps connect brands with the ambitious network of young people using her platforms.

Her first book, All Work, No Pay: Finding an Internship, Building Your Resume, Making Connections, and Gaining Job Experience, is a national best-seller and required reading at several colleges and universities. Her second book, Welcome To The Real World, came out last year. In the new book, Lauren re-writes the rules for millennials in the workplace, demonstrating how to succeed in their first, second, and third jobs after graduation. 

Her third book, Get It Together: Ditch the Chaos, Do the Work and Design Your Success, was inspired by her frustrations with the mistakes she was making, and the fact that she was sick of hearing people boast about how busy they were.

Can anyone else relate!? Now more than ever we glorify busy and we equate how busy we are with how successful we are. It really isn’t true though! You don’t have to be busy all the time to be successful. Really, it’s about finding what works best for you and how you choose to spend your time.

This “busy trap” can really affect how we feel about ourselves, and it was great to hear how Lauren has been able to get out of the busy trap, learn to be okay with not being busy all of the time, and set boundaries for herself. You guys are going to love what she shares too about how she’s been able to be more present - and it’s something I can’t wait to start trying too!

I was really tired of personally making the same mistakes over and over and not learning from them. I was tired of ignoring myself and what I knew I needed, and tired of being stuck in the busy trap.
— Lauren Berger

Between packed schedules, overflowing to-do lists - it’s really hard for so many of us to get on top of our work loads. In this week’s episode it was really great to hear how Lauren has been able to get it together in her life (hint: routine has been huge for her!) She also shares her top tips for setting goals and priorities, and how to make the most of the goals you have for your life and career. (You’re going to love this part of the episode!!)

Rejection doesn’t mean never, it just means not right now.
— Lauren Berger

Lauren and I had a really great conversation chatting about coping with failure and rejection. Failure is inevitable, and how we choose to respond and react to failure is what’s important. How have you reacted to failure and rejection? This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about. When we’re faced with failure and rejection, or fear of failure and rejection, we often hold back. We choose to not participate in life, stay in our comfort zone, and not push beyond that. I loved Lauren’s advice and her choice to reframe failure and rejection. Trust me when I say you’re going to find yourself taking notes during this part of the episode.

You’ll hear it in this week’s new episode, when Lauren was writing this book she was met with failure and feelings of failure all the time. She would get upset and angry with herself, and finally she realized she had to stop. She had to give herself a break. Whenever we’re doing something new, different, or outside of our comfort zone - it’s really important to give yourself extra kindness, compassion, and patience. Sometimes things will go well, other times they just won’t, and that’s okay!


For Lauren, when she gets rejected it’s a matter of reminding herself that she’s been here before, and there will be more opportunities. This isn’t the end all be all - and I speak from experience when I say that this change in perspective is so important.

Lauren also shares with us why it’s been so important for her to stick to the script, regardless of the highs and lows that we often experience. This is a totally new concept to me, and it was great to hear Lauren chat about this! It’s all about sticking to your schedule or routine no matter what happens throughout the day.

Have you ever heard the phrase, “stop getting ready to get ready!” Well, in this week’s new episode Lauren breaks it all down for us. It’s really about putting your plans into action and being willing to show up, put yourself in the game, and get going.

Lauren is a pretty incredible entrepreneur, and it was great to hear her tips for setting goals. You really have to know your goals, because if you don’t, who does?! She shares how she sets goals, tracks them, and makes sure that she’s keeping up with them over the course of the year. The key is writing your goals down, and making sure you’re setting goals that are a stretch, but not a struggle.

I’m really excited for you guys to hear this week’s episode with Lauren! She’s the ultimate hype woman for anyone trying to get their life organized, and Get It Together couldn’t come at a perfect time.

To connect with Lauren and learn more visit www.internqueen.com and the brand new www.careerqueen.com and on Instagram @internqueen @officialcareerqueen and @officiallaurenberger

You can find Lauren’s new book on Amazon here!



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Sydney Weiss